Scandalous diva Anastasia Volochkova posted a new provocative beach video on the Web. In the footage, the dancer splashed around in the ocean in the Maldives in a pink swimsuit embroidered with two black stars.
The diva bragged about her vacation and at one point brought the camera closer to her magnificent breasts. However, Anastasia’s subscribers were not happy with what they saw and criticized the premiere.
“I wanted to show the beauty of the island, but in the end, only my chest hits the camera. My style”; “She stuck stars on her nipples, what kind of bad taste can you expect from her? She will soon turn 50 and everyone is trying to look younger in teenage swimsuits, ”the fans said harshly.
A few days ago, Anastasia Volochkova flew to the Maldives. And she favorite a place of rest, and the star peels off to it to the max, because she hasn’t been to the resort for a year. Images in bikinis are replaced by shots in evening dresses, and then – sketches of string. This time Volochkova did not invent the impossible, only posing in a bikini by the pool.