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Volleyball. N3M: An unsurprising victory for Saint-Renan against Rezé – Volley

N3M. Saint-Renan – ABS Rezé (3-0)

First home game for a long time for the Renanais who won their second day of the championship this Saturday evening. Rezé’s team could not cope with the locals, who logically won (3-0). A match up to the SRIV, which aims for the top of the ranking.

Despite two rather tight first sets for Kevin Chantelou’s team, Tauraa and Quere had a very good match, both present in attack and defense. Rezé built his first two sets very well, leading by a few points each time. It was only in the middle of the set that the advantage returned to Saint-Renan (15-13, 12 ‘) in the first set and (17-16, 14th) in the second.

An explosive third set

A course that turned out to be completely different for the last round. Saint-Renan broke away from the first minutes (10-5, 5th), endangering the Rezé team. The Dreff connects the offensive and defensive blocks (6 ‘, 13th and 16th), Rumen the services and Le Marc raises and receptions. The team is however very different from the first two races. The match point, a smash from Rumen, brings Saint-Renan to victory (25-14, 19th). For the local coach, “it was a great team opposite who played their first two sets very well. We continued to play as we know how to do and she ended up collapsing. It was a rather interesting match as well as a great success ”.


Referees: MM. Priou et Milin

Sets : (25-21, 20′) ; (25-21, 21′) ; (25-14, 19′)

SRIV: Dubreuil, Graignic, Fasquel, Rumen, Tauraa, Quere, Connan, Le Marc, Le Dreff, Savignac; E: K. Chantelou

REZÉ : Gaborit, Audusseau, Corvaisier, Salmon, Morillon, Huet, Lignon, Barnier, Chaillou, Quilici

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