With an attack of Mattia Bottolo Civitanova closed the final with Verona, winning the Volley Italian Cup. At the Unipol Arena in Bologna the Lube trained by Medei he defeated the formation of Stoytchev3-2 (26-24, 25-15, 23-25, 21-25, 15-10) the score in the last act of the Final Four.
Super Keita is not enough in Verona
The third game of the finals also ended at the Tie-break, in just over two hours (123 minutes). A Rana Verona was not enough Keita Trabordant again, with 30 points on the report. But the performance of the Maliano allowed a outsider team to touch the story after the great surprise of the semifinal, in which the Venetians eliminated the samples in charge of Perugia.
The eighth time of Civitanova
To win her eighth cup Lube instead drawn on the vein of Bottolo (decisive with 19 points and 3 ace), Loeppky (17), Nikolov (16), Lagoon e Struggle (8), not to mention the recoveries of the free world champion Balas: the main axis of the formation that the day before had beaten, always in the fifth set, the Itas Trentino. For Lube it was supposed to be a season of passage after the farewell of bulwarks like De Cecco e Zaytsevbut after a tiring start, she relaunched by beating Perugia in the championship, Trento in the cup, and conquering an unexpected trophy.
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