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Volcanoes have turned “Twin Earth” into hell

Venus has been described as a “bloody hell”, with a surface temperature of over 464 degrees Celsius, hot enough to melt lead and spacecraft.

And a new study published by Russia Today yesterday showed that huge volcanic eruptions over a long period of time may be responsible for changing the planet into what it is today.

The study says that perhaps the massive volcanoes that blanketed 80 percent of Venus’ surface in lava were the deciding factor that transformed “Venus” from a humid, temperate world into the sweltering, sulfurous, hellish planet it is today.

However, there is growing evidence that Venus wasn’t always like this, and could one day be a temperate world more or less Earth-like, geologically speaking, than might have been expected.

In the latest paper, Michael Way of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and his team argue that Venus’ volcanism may ultimately be what pushed it over the edge.

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