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Vocational education

Trying out, learning, making friends

100% satisfied – this is how the graduates of our vocational training area say about the job they have found with our help. That can be seen.

The vocational training area supports everyone who is new or wants to get back into the world of work. Our educational guides are at your side.

The range of educational content is varied: Our participants can choose from topics such as creative design, landscape maintenance, electronics, metal, PC or much more. We’ll find out together what is right. The participants can calmly try out which activities really suit them and can get to know possible jobs with plenty of time.

If you are interested and suitable, we will prepare specifically for work outside of the workshop. Many have already successfully made the step into a company.

Since June 2015 we have had a vocational training area in the industrial area in Vaihingen especially for those interested in company-integrated work or a possible placement in the general workplace. At this learning location close to the labor market, the participants are optimally prepared for work outside of the workshop.

Our vocational training area has been since 2012 recognized labor market service provider according to AZAV.

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