Home » today » World » [VOA 뉴스] United States, South Korea and Japan “simultaneous sanctions against North Korea”… “Trilateral relations” strengthened

[VOA 뉴스] United States, South Korea and Japan “simultaneous sanctions against North Korea”… “Trilateral relations” strengthened

The United States, South Korea and Japan simultaneously announced sanctions against North Korea in response to North Korea’s successive ballistic missile launches. The White House said it showed a stronger trilateral relationship, and the State Department criticized China and Russia for being passive in implementing the resolution on North Korea, saying they are coordinating closely with allies and Security Council members. of the United Nations in preparation for the seventh North Korean nuclear test. This was reported by journalist Ham Ji-ha. (Video Editing: Lee Sang-do)

Adrian Watson, NSC spokesman for the National Security Council at the White House, reiterated the three countries’ willingness to jointly respond to North Korea’s series of ballistic missile launches.

In a statement released on the 2nd, spokesman Watson said the United States, South Korea and Japan had announced sanctions against senior officials and agencies of the Workers’ Party of Korea for supporting North Korea’s illicit weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs. the strengthening of trilateral relations between Japan and Korea.

“The sanctions have been successful in slowing the development of North Korea’s illegal weapons program,” he said. weapons program.” I stressed that I would use the tool.

Earlier, on the 1st the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned three North Korean Labor Party officials and on the 2nd the South Korean government designated 8 individuals and 7 institutions involved in Korea’s nuclear and missile development North as subject to independent sanctions. Korean Peninsula Time.

On the same day, Japan also placed three North Korean groups and one individual on the sanctions list, while the United States, South Korea and Japan simultaneously exerted pressure on North Korea.

In a telephone briefing on the 2nd, the State Department repeatedly stressed cooperation with the international community, including the United Nations, in response to a reporter’s question regarding “the possibility of further nuclear tests by North Korea and the response of United”.

Ned Price / US State Department Spokesman
“We are coordinating closely with our treaty allies in the Indo-Pacific and with our partners and allies around the world. We are also coordinating closely with UN allies and partners. It is a place where the United Nations Security Council has cooperated in the past to hold North Korea accountable for its provocations.”

Price continued to target China and Russia, saying, “We believe that all countries in the United Nations system, especially the members of the United Nations Security Council, especially the permanent members of the Security Council, must fully implement security Council resolutions have been approved.”

Ned Price / US State Department Spokesman
“It is important that the members of the Security Council, especially the permanent members, implement the measures they have taken. Otherwise, the international system that has been central to our security, stability and prosperity for more than 80 years since World War II will be undermined.”

Spokesman Price emphasized that he had not witnessed the implementation of stringent resolutions on North Korea by China and Russia, the permanent members, and reiterated that we continued to urge all members of the Security Council, including these two members permanent, to keep their binding promises bonds.

This is VOA News Hamjiha.

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