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Vladimir Solovyov: Shocking Claims about Putin’s Favorite TV Host

Vladimir Solovyov is a familiar face to Russian TV viewers. For over ten years he has been an anchor with his own evening show on the state-run Russian TV channel Rossija-1.

According to Russian professor Atle Grønn, the TV program has the same status in Russia as NRK’s ​​”The Debate” has in Norway – without comparison otherwise.

Shock claim about “Putin’s favorite”

Possible “goals”

One of those who follow Solovyov closely is the distinguished Russia expert Julia Davis, spalist in The Daily Beast and initiator behind Russian Media Monitor.

On Friday, she published a clip from Solovjov’s TV program on X (formerly Twitter, journ.anm.), in which the host and the guests discuss nuclear attacks on Western targets.

– Can’t decide

France, Great Britain, Poland and Germany, Solovjov rams on.

– I can’t decide in France: Marseille or Paris? Maybe we should have a vote: Who should we spare, he asks further.

Among the guests is the Russian academic Andrej Sidorov.

– The question is not whether we will use nuclear weapons, but against whom, he says in the TV programme.

Presenter: – At war against NATO

– Ignorant behavior

It is not the first time that Solovyov’s nuclear weapons rhetoric has caused a stir. Dagbladet has previously mentioned similar appearances on his TV programme.

Not long after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, he stated that they are not only at war with Ukraine, but all of NATO.

– It is astonishing and ignorant behavior of the Russian media, and it is incredibly dangerous, said the retired general Barry R. McCaffrey, who during the war has worked as an expert for the American television channels NBC News and MSNBC.

2024-03-08 20:53:06
#Marseille #Paris

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