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Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threat makes the United States uncomfortable


The United States is unnerved by the Russian president’s threat to use nuclear weapons in his war in Ukraine. PHOTOS / REUTERS

WASHINGTON – The United States (USA) is unnerved by the threat from the Russian president Vladimir Putin which he will use explicitly nuclear weapons in his war in Ukraine.

Current and former US officials said Sunday that while no one in Russia could stop Putin from deploying nuclear weapons, such a move would justify a disastrous response from the US and its NATO allies.

“To be clear, the person who made the decision, I mean, was a person. No control over Putin. Just as he made the irresponsible decision to attack Ukraine, you know, he could have made other decisions,” he said. to Fareed Zakaria the American Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. CNN Sunday (2/10/2022).

Austin added that he “doesn’t see anything right now” to suggest Putin had definitely made such a decision.

Read also: NATO under article 5 will destroy Russian troops if Putin uses nuclear power

Former US National Security Advisor HR McMaster said on Sunday that Putin was under extreme pressure following battlefield failures and internal frustration over mobilization orders that could send hundreds of thousands of reservists to fight.

“I think the message for [Putin] is: if you use a nuclear weapon, it is a suicide weapon. And the response from NATO and the US does not have to be nuclear force, “McMaster told the presenter “Face the Nation” CBSMargherita Brennan.

Putin’s move to annex four Ukrainian territories on Friday came after warning that Moscow would deploy its massive nuclear arsenal to protect Russian territory and its people.

“This is not a bluff. And those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the weather vane can turn and point to them,” the Russian president said in a televised speech.

Officials in Kiev and Washington have said they take the threat seriously, but will not be deterred from fighting to oust Russian troops from the Ukrainian territory they now claim.

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