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“Vladimir Putin Gifts Luxury Russian Limousine to Kim Jong Un, Potentially Violating UN Resolution”

Vladimir Putin Gifts Luxury Russian Limousine to Kim Jong Un, Potentially Violating UN Resolution

In a gesture of friendship and deepening ties, Russian President Vladimir Putin has gifted North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un a luxury Russian Aurus limousine. However, this act may potentially violate a United Nations resolution that prohibits the supply of luxury items to North Korea in an effort to pressure the country to abandon its nuclear weapons.

The official KCNA news agency of North Korea reported that the Russian-made limousine was delivered to Kim’s top aides by the Russian side on February 18. The Aurus limousine is similar to the black armored limousines used by Putin himself. The decision to gift the car to Kim came after the North Korean leader expressed his admiration for it when Putin showed it to him last year during their meeting at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Russian Far East.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Kim had shown interest in the car during their meeting. “When the head of the DPRK (North Korea) was at the Vostochny cosmodrome, he looked at this car, Putin showed it to him personally, and like many people, Kim liked this car,” Peskov said. He further added, “So this decision was made. North Korea is our neighbor, our close neighbor, and we intend, and will continue, to develop our relations with all neighbors, including North Korea.”

Kim’s sister conveyed his gratitude to Putin, stating that the gift symbolizes the special personal relations between the two leaders. This gesture highlights the significant cooperation between North Korea and Russia since their September summit and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago.

However, this gift may potentially violate a UN Security Council resolution that prohibits the supply, sale, or movement of transportation vehicles categorized as HS Code 86 through 89 to North Korea, including luxury cars. South Korea’s foreign ministry is closely monitoring the cooperation between Russia and North Korea and has urged both countries to comply with the UN resolutions.

It is worth noting that Kim already possesses several foreign-made luxury cars, believed to have been smuggled into the country in violation of the UN resolution. These include a Maybach limousine, which he used during his summits with former US President Donald Trump in Singapore and Vietnam. Additionally, Kim is known to own several Mercedes limousines, a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and a Lexus sports utility vehicle.

The gifting of the Russian Aurus limousine adds to Kim’s collection of luxury cars, raising concerns about the potential violation of international sanctions. The US, South Korea, and their partners have accused North Korea of sending conventional arms to Russia in exchange for high-tech weapons technologies and other support.

As tensions continue to rise with North Korea’s advancements in its nuclear program and Kim’s recent threat to fire upon any South Korean vessel violating its waters, it remains to be seen how this luxury gift will impact the already delicate geopolitical situation in the region.

In conclusion, Putin’s gift of a luxury Russian limousine to Kim Jong Un showcases the strengthening ties between Russia and North Korea. However, it also raises concerns about a potential violation of UN sanctions. The gift serves as a symbol of the personal relationship between the two leaders but may have broader implications for international relations and regional stability.

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