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Vlaams Belang distances itself from “flat terms” of …

Vlaams Belang distances itself from the “misplaced statements about LGBs” of Jef Elbers, the former scriptwriter who nominated the party for the board of directors of the Flemish Audiovisual Fund. That says Vlaams Belang party leader in the Flemish Parliament Chris Janssens.

The standard drew attention to a number of statements made by Elbers. He thinks gay pride is “really dirty”. And also: “For me, everyone can experience their sexuality the way they want, I have no problem with that. But it should not be presented as normal sexuality ”.

About the Bart De Pauw case, Elbers lashed out at the women who accused the TV maker: “I wouldn’t want to feed them at the VRT, all those canapeuses, who got their place by vaginam and then spit in the soup. . ”

Chris Janssens: “Does not speak on behalf of Vlaams Belang”

Flemish Member of Parliament Chris Janssens says in a response that Elbers was nominated “because of his professional expertise as a screenwriter of ‘Merlina’, ‘Postbus X’ and ‘Interflix’, and not for his misguided statements about LGBs”.

Janssens says that Elbers only speaks in his own name “and therefore absolutely not on behalf of the Vlaams Belang”. “Jef Elbers is also allowed to use his freedom of expression – even if it is shocking – but we emphatically distance ourselves from his flat terms,” it says.

Asked whether Elbers’ candidacy will be reconsidered, Janssens replied that, according to his information, the procedure has been completed. Will the party then ask for his resignation? “Jef Elbers could keep the honor to himself,” said Janssens.

Somers: “Vlaams Belang shows its true face again”

But for Flemish Minister of Equal Opportunities Bart Somers (Open VLD) that does not go far enough. He is of the opinion that Vlaams Belang should immediately withdraw Elbers’s candidacy. “If Vlaams Belang and Mr Janssens mean anything about their rejection of homophobia, they will not only immediately distance themselves from this figure, but immediately withdraw his candidacy,” he said.

Somers further accuses the party of being “homophobic”. “Last Wednesday their group leader in the Flemish Parliament denied the homophobic character of the party in an incredible way. His words were not cold when one day later Vlaams Belang was the only Belgian party to abstain from a European resolution for more equal LGBTQ rights. And today there are the raunchy statements of Mr. Elbers. ”

Somers indicates that it is still perfectly possible to withdraw Elbers’ candidacy. “But if this party sticks to their homophobic candidate, the general meeting or board of directors of the VAF can still investigate whether they can refuse the candidacy on the basis of principle 18 of their code of ethics. That article states that the members of the board of directors must ensure a positive image of the VAF. With a homophobic and racist figure like Jef Elbers, that seems highly problematic, ”says Somers.

Lachaert: “Freedom is not an exclusive good for straight white men”

Open VLD chairman Egbert Lachaert also reacted displeased on Twitter. “In a week in which LBGQT rights were central, VB is nominating a homophobic in VAF. Liberals will always lead the way for equal rights for every human being, whatever your orientation is. Freedom is not an exclusive good for straight white men ”, it sounds.

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