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Vizzotti defined together with his provincial peers how …

At a meeting of the Federal Health Council (Cofesa), the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, together with his provincial peers, drew up the criteria to continue with the national vaccination plan against Covid-19, once the goal of reaching the 15 million Argentines who make up the risk groups is met. According to data from the Ministry of Health of the Nation, 82.5% of people over the age of 60 received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Although the epidemiological situation is still critical, the Government and the provincial administrations are hopeful with the pace that the vaccination campaign took since the continuous arrival of shipments of vaccines, with which it is expected to reach the 30 million people vaccinated by the end of July. With this panorama ahead, the Cofesa meeting allowed defining the population criteria to continue with the application of doses.

Vizzotti, together with the health authorities of the provinces, defined that the age groups without risk be incorporated into the Strategic Vaccination Plan, segmented into five-year periods and according to the risk of exposure and occupational condition.

In that sense, the City of Buenos Aires has already opened the registry for older than 55 years without comorbidities and in the Province it was summoned to enroll in the program Get vaccinated for everyone over 18 years of age, while Over 70 may, who do not yet have a dose, may attend without a turn.

According to official figures, 83% of the group between 60 and 69 years old already have a dose, as do 86.5% of people between 70 and 79 years old and 78% those who are over 80 years old.

“We must continue working to reach the target population of over 60 and between 18 and 59 years with risk conditions, and then move forward and attract people from 55 to 59 years old as soon as possible,” said the Minister of Health and added that vaccination will continue “after 50 to 54 with a higher risk of exposure to continue lowering mortality.”

How will the vaccination plan continue?

The national strategy is to continue incorporating people to be vaccinated through a five-year segmentation and taking into account the risk of exposure, as the goals are met.

The Undersecretary of Health Strategies, Juan Manuel Castelli, expressed that “there is consensus that, After completing the prioritized target population in the first stage, we can subsequently advance with age as one of the main variables in the population that does not have risk factors. “

In that sense, he mentioned that will also consider “the level of exposure, the working condition and the possibility of complying with the care measures of these people. “

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