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Viviane died at 20

Electrocuted for putting a hand in washing machine. E’ dead so a very young Brazilian girl, vivian rodrigueswho wanted to take the laundry thinking that the wash cycle was finished. There 20-year-old girl was found dead at home its to Juazeiro, nel nord-est del Brazil. To find her lying on her floor, her husband took her running to the hospital. Upon arrival, however, the tragic news: the 20-year-old mother of a nine-month-old child had died.

Investigators confirmed, after the autopsy, that one was killed electric shock. The body was buried on June 16 in Gameleira, the town of origin of the family.

Read also> An 8-year-old child is stuck between the washing machine and the dryer. “He couldn’t breathe”

Unfortunately not isolated tragedy. A baby died last year in Christchurch, New Zealand after being found unconscious in the handset turned on by a mother who did not notice her son was present at the time of start-up.

The shocking discovery at the end of the laundry, when the mother opened the front door to hang the clothes. The little boy was rushed to hospital but unfortunately the doctors could only ascertain the death. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Mirror reports, since 2014 there have been at least three related deaths to children under the age of five and 3,000 emergency room visits related to accidents with washing machines.

Last updated: Friday 17 June 2022, 21:41


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