Viva Rai2: Casciari’s spoiler on the guests. Here’s who will be there
Mauro Casciari on Facebook
Who will be there at VivaRai2 in the next days? To reveal it, in one completely unintentional spoileris Mauro Casciari, who supports Fiorello in the morning show of Rai 2.
The former “hyena” has published a photo on Facebook that shows him with the CD box set by Orietta Berti, who was a guest on the show this morning. Behind him, in addition to Fiorello himself with Biggio, a summary of the black on white lineup of the next few days from VivaRai2. We, who don’t miss anything, just have to take a look and “find out” what will happen and who will be there in the next episodes.
Tomorrow morning (Wednesday 14 December), the “fiction” that brought together I Soliti Idioti (Biggio and Mandelli) will continue in the role of two elves. Space for the contribution of Raphael Nistorthe 21-year-old young man famous for being the cook on Tik Tokwhere he publishes one-minute video recipes that amass views; for VivaRai2 he will cook the carbonara. In tomorrow’s lineup we also read a rvm by Marco Masini and a tribute to Ichiro Mizukithe Japanese singer who died last December 6, considered the king of cartoon songs (many “remade” in Italy by Cristina D’Avena); over all, Mazinger Z And Je Robot.
Thursday 15 December, however, there will be Alexia huh French saintsThe fresh duo winner of X Factor. The “events” of the two elves will also continue.
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