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“Vittorio Feltri is no longer a journalist, he resigned from the Order”

Vittorio Feltri (Frame)

Vittorio Feltri he is no longer a journalist, not in the legal sense of the term. After fifty years of career, he resigned from the Order renouncing titles and command posts in newspapers, included in his Libero (he founded it in 2000) “. The editor of the “Giornale”, Alessandro Sallusti writes in a front page editorial. “I suppose it is a painful choice to escape once and for all the fury with which the Order of Journalists has been trying to gag it for years and limit its freedom of thought through disciplinary trials for alleged crimes of opinion and continuous threats of suspension and radiation “, writes Sallusti, recalling not without criticism the rules that govern the Order of Journalists and stressing that” to be able to continue writing, Vittorio Feltri – imagining of be a little guillotined from here, I think – he had to give up his job. “

“It is not a good day for the category – observes the editor of the ‘Giornale’ – who formally loses one of the journalists who – like it or not – have written the history of this profession, success after success, for thirty years now as a pen and as a director. Felt is not a rumor caged within hypocritical rules and conventional? Of course, that’s why I like it. Does it occasionally go over the top? Yes, but no more than others to whom, being leftist, nothing is ever contested. Does he have a bad temper? Moreover, I am witness of it, but men of character are welcome “.

“I hope that the hundreds of colleagues to whom over the years Vittorio Feltri offered a job and taught a job, today they have a leap of pride, and let their voices be heard by free men; I hope that his tormented opponents are ashamed of their squalid cultural and professional misery; I hope that Carlo Verna, president of the Order – therefore of all journalists, not only those of the left – has the strength to refuse his resignation and guarantee a great colleague the freedom he deserves, because if this were not the case today of us can feel safe. IS I wish Vittorio Feltri to write freely, even as a non-journalist, until God gives him strength “, concludes Sallusti.

“Feltri’s resignation letter (from the Odg) was actually filed with the Lombardy council, but the council must meet to accept and cancel it. ” So the president of the Order of Journalists, Carlo Verna, to Adnkronos on the news of Vittorio Feltri’s resignation from the Order. “I am presiding over the current National Council – adds Verna – and I will shortly be speaking about this matter ”.

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