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Vittorio Cecchi Gori Hospitalized for Respiratory Failure: Breaking News

by Rome editorial team

The producer hospitalized for “respiratory failure”. Angelo Perrone, press agent friend of Rita Rusic, broke the news on TV

Vittorio Cecchi Gori is hospitalized in intensive care at the Gemelli Polyclinic due to “respiratory failure”.

The news was given live on Rai1, guest of «Storie Italiane», by Angelo Perrone, press agent and friend of Rita Rusic, ex-wife ofcinema entrepreneurwho explained: «Vittorio had entered the Gemelli on Monday for scheduled checks linked to a low saturation, then he had a respiratory crisis and was transferred to intensive care due to respiratory failure».

The entrepreneur, former politician and film producer, had therefore been hospitalized since the beginning of the week due to the worsening of his health conditions. There is maximum secrecy on the part of the Polyclinic, but from rumors filtering through from people close to Cecchi Gori it seems that the picture of clinical instability is very serious.

«Rita Rusic – said Perrone – had spoken to Professor Landi because over the weekend Vittorio had complained of ailments, with very low heart rates and they had planned to be hospitalized for tests on Monday; therefore, luck was that he was already in hospital, but between Monday night and Tuesday morning there was a respiratory crisis which forced the doctors to transfer the entrepreneur to intensive care: yesterday afternoon there were some signs of improvement, but the situation remains very delicate.”

“In the last few days – concluded the agent – he was even more burdened because he was denied a pardon, his most important worry was the fact of not being able to go and visit his daughter Vittoria in Miami”.

The film producer and former owner of Fiorentina is 81 years old and will turn 82 in April. Already in the past, in 2017, he was hospitalized due to ischemia cerebral with cardiac complications. After a day in a medically induced coma he was kept in intensive care for a month.

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February 14, 2024 (modified February 14, 2024 | 10:56)


2024-02-14 09:40:25

#Vittorio #Cecchi #Gori #hospitalized #intensive #care #Gemelli #Rome

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