Home » today » Entertainment » Vittorio Brumotti surrounded by drug dealers during an anti-drug dealing service

Vittorio Brumotti surrounded by drug dealers during an anti-drug dealing service

Still moments of fear for Vittorio Brumotti during a service for Strip the News on drug dealing.

The correspondent of the satirical news, often and willingly at the forefront of documenting the sale of drugsand his cameraman, in fact, were surrounded by a dozen pushers to the Sempione park from Milan.

First Brumotti documented “the cocaine trafficking in broad daylight, then, despite thearrival of the carabinieri“who identified some people and then the biker-envoy became”object of a real manhunt together with his cameraman “.

According to reports from Striscia, during the altercation with the alleged drug dealers “they arrived insults and threatsthen the pursuit of Brumotti started, who managed to get away with the bicycle ”.

Instead it went worse to the cameramen, which it was hit by a bottle throw “fortunately without serious consequences”.


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