Home » today » News » Vitry-sur-Seine: worried about the “negotiations” around 1607 hours, municipal agents demonstrate

Vitry-sur-Seine: worried about the “negotiations” around 1607 hours, municipal agents demonstrate

They are “ATSEM”, agents of roads, sanitation, green spaces in Vitry. And are worried about the way in which the law on the transformation of the public service, more commonly known as the “law on 1607 hours”, will be applied in their community. At the call of the FSU, they gathered on Tuesday morning in front of the town hall of Vitry, a city that is one of the ten rebellious communities in the department which must comply with this law.

Following the decision of the administrative court of Melun (Seine-et-Marne) handed down at the beginning of the month, Vitry will have to deliberate within four months just like Ivry, Bonneuil and Fontenay. The latter two have appealed this decision.

All protested against the implementation of this law which stipulates that, “except for legitimate exceptions linked in particular to arduous work, all public officials must work at least 35 hours per week, or 1,607 hours per year”, as the prefecture recently recalled. of the Val-de-Marne. However, according to the FSU, it would be a question of Vitry “not recognizing” the “arduousness” as well as the “subjections”, the fact of having to work at night or on weekends.

“The city can evolve”, judges the FSU

“Scandalous” for this union which believes that this hardship could “mitigate or even cancel the increase in the working time of certain agents” since it is taken into account to reduce the annual working time, the famous 1607 hours. “The city can evolve”, explains on the forecourt of the town hall Hedi Mhalla, of the FSU section of the municipal staff of Vitry.

He gives the example of the territory “where we take into account the difficult jobs” according to him. “The T12 took advantage of this possibility to allow certain agents to preserve a certain number of days off without increasing their working hours”, argues the union.

“We propose that no one loses”, replies the mayor

Contacted, Pierre Bell-Lloch assures that “wherever hardship is implemented, everyone loses, when it is not simply retorted”. This is the case in Paris where a request for derogation was made by the city, finally forced to align. The PCF mayor of Vitry believes that the unions “make less positive proposals for the agents” than the community. “We propose that no one loses, that all agents are treated fairly”, explains the elected official. For whom arduousness is not, for the time being, “the subject”. However, he indicates that this debate could take place “in a second stage”.

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