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Vitamin D strengthens immunity and protects against infection

A recent scientific study supervised by American researchers from Oregon State University revealed the role of vitamin D in preventing infection, and tests indicated that treatment with vitamin D can significantly reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in cutaneous wounds, in addition to that it is used Also in promoting the prevention of fractures besides calcium.

The researchers said, according to the American medical site “HealthDayNews”The study is important because it found a new way to explore the mechanisms by which vitamin D peptide is important in antimicrobials in the body..

Vitamin D, which is fat soluble and found in very few foods – including fatty fish meat, beef liver, cheese, and egg yolk – enhances the absorption of calcium in the intestine and is necessary for bone growth.

Vitamin D, which the body makes when released from sunlight, is also important for cell growth, neuromuscular function and reducing inflammation..

Scientist “Uso Adrian Gumbart” and his collaborators are studying the role of vitamin D in fighting infection, through previous studies that included adding it to wound dressings or suturing wounds with vitamin D applied to them.

The present study examines the bioactive form of the role of vitamin D in promoting the body’s production of the anti-microbial peptide, usually abbreviated as the peptide, a compound consisting of two or more amino acids linked in a chain, and is produced from immune cells and cells that provide a barrier against Infection, such as skin cells and intestine.

The results are published in the journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology.

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