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Vitamin D: its deficiency causes hair loss

If you have noticed a greater loss of hairamong the various possible reasons there may be a lack of vitamin D. So, are you sure you are getting enough of this vitamin?

Vitamin D is a fundamental nutrient for our health as it provides multiple benefits to the various parts of the body. Among these are the rise of immunitary defensestrengthening of the bones and skinstimulation of the cell growth and creating new ones hair follicles.

The hair follicles are precisely the cellular element essential for hair growth, so a lack of them favors on the contrary the fall. In particular, vitamin D deficiency is linked to a pathological condition, namely thealopecia or patchy baldness.

How to take vitamin D?

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Vitamin D can be obtained from numerous food products, especially from animal originas in salmon, mackerel or latte. On the other hand, vegan or vegetarian diets do not provide an adequate supply of this vitamin and for this reason it would be advisable to take some supplements.

In reality, even simple exposure to the sun leads our body to synthesize a certain amount of vitamin D. Therefore, even a simple daily walk through the streets of your neighborhood can be very beneficial for our body because it allows us to synthesize this vitamin. .

Vitamin D helps hair growth

Following numerous studies, it has been shown that at least 600 UI (international units), or 15 micrograms, of vitamin D. However, this rule is only valid for individuals over 1 year of age, while younger children should take some 400 UI per day.

If you introduce the recommended amount of vitamin D into the body, it will be perfectly capable of providing proper hair growth and bone health at the same time.

Read also: Vitamin D in pregnancy: what it is for and when to take it

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