
Vitamin D Can Reduce Cancer Risk? That is behind the claim

The study also looked at the relationships between vitamin D and various diseases. For this purpose, the values ​​of the cause-specific mortality, i.e. the number of deaths due to a certain illness in relation to population size, were compared with the blood content.

Surprisingly, the greatest connection does not exist between cardiovascular diseases or cancer. A completely different illness reacted particularly intensively to a vitamin D deficiency: diabetes patients.

Diabetics from the vitamin D deficiency group (less than or equal to 50 nmol / l) had a 4.4 times higher risk of dying from the disease than the diabetes sufferers from the comparison group. So for people suffering from diabetes it is particularly important that the vitamin D content in the body is well regulated and that there are no deficiency symptoms.

Conclusion: At the end of the study, the scientists came to the unequivocal result: A strong correlation can be confirmed between vitamin D deficiency (below 50 nmol / l) and increased mortality. It is recommended that everyone always keep an eye on their own vitamin D content in the body in order to avoid deficiency symptoms and an increased risk of death.

Do you suffer from vitamin D deficiency? You can change that with this delicious Franconian recipe.

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