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Vitamin D Deficiency in Women Increases Risk of Premature Birth and Rickets in Babies: National Health Administration Issues Warning

More than 40% of women are deficient in vitamin 1!Pregnancy may lead to premature birth and rickets in the baby

Vitamin D is one of the important key nutrients during pregnancy. However, according to the 107-111 National Nutrition and Health Survey of the National Health Administration, women of childbearing age aged 20-49 are vitamin D deficient (serum vitamin D concentration less than 20ng/mL is considered Vitamin D deficiency) rate was 44.6%.

Wu Zhaojun, director of the National Health Service, reminded that vitamin D contributes to the healthy development of fetal bones and teeth. Therefore, expectant mothers who are preparing to become pregnant or are pregnant are encouraged to have moderate sun exposure and consume vitamin D-rich foods in their daily diet. Food to promote the health of mother and baby.

Vitamin D intake during pregnancy should be noted: deficiency may have “these” effects

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vitamin D is an important factor in human bone metabolism. The vitamin D needed by the human body can be absorbed through food (such as fish, eggs, etc.), food with additional vitamin D added, or from The skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays from outdoor sunlight, allowing the body to synthesize vitamin D on its own.

If there is a lack of vitamin D during pregnancy, not only the pregnant mother will be affected, but it may also cause many problems in the growth of the fetus. The National Health Administration mentioned that a lack of vitamin D during pregnancy may cause osteomalacia in adults and rickets in infants. The risks of gestational diabetes, pre-epilepsy, low fetal weight, and premature birth will also increase.

How to prevent vitamin D deficiency?National Health Administration awards 2 tips to help maintain health

The nutritional status of pregnant mothers is closely related to the healthy growth of the fetus. Therefore, the National Health Service reminds pregnant mothers to prevent vitamin D deficiency through the following 2 tips:

It is recommended that pregnant mothers do not apply sunscreen products before 10 a.m. or after 2 p.m. every day when the sun is sufficient but not the strongest, and expose their face, arms and other parts to moderate sun exposure, 3-4 times a week, each time Spend about 10-20 minutes in the sun to enable your body to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D.

  • Eat foods rich in vitamin D:

The “Chinese Dietary Nutrient Reference Intake” recommends that pregnant mothers need to consume 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day, which is equivalent to 400IU (international units). The daily diet can be through fish rich in vitamin D (such as mackerel, fish, etc.). Swordfish, salmon), egg yolks, sun-dried dried shiitake mushrooms and dairy products with extra vitamin D to supplement.

In addition, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. If the diet contains fat, it can increase the body’s vitamin D absorption rate by 32%. Therefore, it is recommended that when cooking food, you can add fat or stir-fry with oil, which will help the intake of vitamin D. With calcium supplementation, not only can you have healthy bones, but you can also maintain healthy development of your fetus.

In addition, if necessary, you can also consult a nutritionist for dietary assessment to improve personal eating habits, or supplement nutritional supplements specifically for pregnant women under the guidance of a physician’s prescription. If you have questions about nutrition or care during pregnancy, the National Health Administration said you can also go to the National Health Administration Health 99+ website – Mommy’s Pregnancy Center (https://health99.hpa.gov.tw/theme/5), or check the maternal care website for relevant information (https://mammy.hpa.gov.tw/)。

2024-03-12 02:18:30

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