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Vitamin D deficiency in a sunny country: Why, living in Tajikistan, do we suffer from it?

Vitamins D called solar – it is produced in the skin when it is exposed to UV rays. But why in our sunny country then children and adults have a deficiency of this vitamin? Why is it so important for the body?

Akmal Isakov, endocrinologist at Istiklol State Medical University, assistant at Department of Endocrinology at Tajik Medical University named after A. Abuali ibn Sino.


Akmal Isakov

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– Why do residents of such a sunny country as Tajikistan lack vitamins? D?

– There are two factors that contribute to a decrease in vitamin D synthesis.

18:41 September 15, 2015

1 – “Geographic coordinates”. It has been scientifically proven that UVR (ultraviolet rays) can synthesize vitamin D up to 35 degrees north and south latitude, and Tajikistan is located at 40 -41 degrees.

2 – “Global dimming” (the phenomenon of total darkening or reduction of the amount of solar radiation falling on the earth’s surface.

This effect is caused by natural and man-made air pollution. From 1950 to 1990, the amount of solar energy reaching the earth’s surface dropped by 9% in Antarctica and 30% in the United States. In Russia and Great Britain – with 16%.

That is why we often have vitamin D deficiency, despite the fact that Tajikistan is a sunny country.

Vitamin D is a special biological substance that, in addition to its “classical” activity (regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism), has many “non-classical” activities.

It participates in the formation and proper functioning of the immune system, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, maintains an adequate level of production and secretion of insulin, promotes normal growth and differentiation of tissues, and as that’s on. Vitamin D in humans is synthesized in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. This is the largest source of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) entering our body!

– There is a statement that the sun in our country is useful only from 6 in the morning. But at the moment it doesn’t really shine for us, which means there is no benefit at all?

– As I already said, the intensity of ultraviolet rays in our area is not able to synthesize vitamin D, this is true.

The human body receives 95% of vitamin D through ultraviolet radiation, so its deficiency plays an important role in developing a deficiency of this vitamin in the body.

– What time of the day does the sun not harm us?

– From 11.00 to 15.00, during this time solar radiation reaches its maximum.

U 45% of adults in Tajikistan have vitamin deficiency and deficiency D

– What are the main symptoms of vitamin deficiency? D?

– Bad mood,

– loss of strength,

– discomfort in bones and muscles;

– sharp decrease in vision,

– more sweating,

– frequent colds and ARVI.

As you can see, the symptoms are common – many associate them with fatigue, seasonal illnesses, stress and, usually, they do not pay enough attention to them. However, the consequences can be significant.

– What do the statistics say about vitamin D deficiency among the country’s adult population?

– In 2017, we conducted a study under the supervision of an Associate Professor in the Endocrinology Department of TSMU named after him. Abuali Ibn Sino, Nigina Azizovna Inoyatova, outstanding endocrinologist.

As a result, the level of vitamin D was determined in 2,300 people (among children and adults). Among all people studied, 17% were deficient, 18% deficient and 20% severely deficient of vitamin D.

Among 18-year-olds and older, vitamin D deficiency and deficiency is 45%.

You can learn more from our research, by following this link.

– Why do we need this vitamin at all?

19:31 March 1, 2021

– Vitamin D is a prohormone that affects every organ and system of our body. First, it helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. If it is deficient, we will not have strong bones, rickets will develop in childhood, osteoporosis in adults, and the risk of fracture increases in the elderly.

The last 15 years have seen the vitamin D era in endocrinology.

There is a lot of research and discovery; previously we associated vitamin D only with rickets, ultraviolet radiation and bone tissue, but now we are seeing many discoveries in the field of vitamin D.

Today it is impossible to find a cell in our body without a vitamin D receptor.

There are now many publications regarding the role of vitamin D deficiency in the development of various pathologies (endocrine diseases, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, autoimmune diseases, pathologies of the nervous system, etc.).

We are seeing vitamin D slowly being renamed “D Hormone” because it looks like a vitamin but presents itself as a hormone.

When and how do you take vitamin D?

– Let’s go back to the sun. Is it possible to substitute an artificial vitamin? D?

– The sun is very important for the human body, but if the sun is not enough, your doctor can prescribe vitamin D medications.

Vitamin D is produced under the influence of ultraviolet B waves, which the sun produces from 11 am to 3 pm. Twenty minutes of sun exposure during this period is enough to produce a daily dose of vitamin D.

Unfortunately, from 11 am to 3 pm, adults are usually working, and young people are in educational institutions. Smoke in the atmosphere of an industrial city also reduces the intensity of ultraviolet rays.

– There are several types of vitamins Dwhich one is the best? Which one is better absorbed and does not harm?

– Vitamin D is synthesized in our skin in an inactive state and for full activation it is transported to the liver, and then to the kidneys. Therefore, it is better to take the active form of vitamin D: Colecalciferol and Alfacalcidol.

But before you take vitamins, you should definitely consult a specialist.

– When should you take this vitamin (under what conditions)?

– The first half of the day, because it actively affects the nervous system and can cause overeating and insomnia.

– How to take this vitamin correctly? They say that many vitamins are useless without each other. What should I be taking this vitamin?

– It is better not to take vitamin D with vitamin E, because vitamin E prevents the absorption of vitamin D.

It is recommended to take vitamin D together with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, Omega-3, fatty acids, and vitamin K2.

Which vitamin D is healthier?

– It often happens that you replenish the necessary amount of vitamins D in the body, and after 2-3 months it will fall again. Doctors say there are a lot of fake vitamins on the market Dthat is why this is happening. Is this true or could there be other reasons?

– To increase the level of vitamin D to the reference range, a loading dose of Colecalciferol is used, but, to keep the vitamin in the reference range, maintenance therapy is required.

– Are all the vitamins sold in pharmacies D useful? How do you understand that you are buying healthy vitamins?

– Today, vitamin D is available in water, oil and tablets. Vitamin D is better absorbed in water and oil.

– How often should you take this vitamin? They say that once every six months, for example, you can give an injection and it will last 6 months.

– It all depends on the level of vitamin D. It is wiser to monitor vitamin D (every 6-12 months) and then decide on the dosage and the course.

It is best to take an injectable form of vitamin in case of vitamin D deficiency (loading dose);

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2024-10-14 14:02:00

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