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Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Impact on Skin: Signs and Solutions

At one vitamin D deficiency you may suffer from fatigue, bleeding gums and lethargy. But did you know that such a deficiency can also take its toll on the skin?


It is important that you consume or produce enough vitamin D. This ensures that your body is able to absorb calcium from food. It also ensures that our muscles and immune system work properly. But did you know that vitamin D is also necessary for a healthy and glowy skin? If you don’t get or make enough of it, your skin will show a number of signs. We list them.

Dull skin

A dull complexion can be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency, Dr. Clare Morrison. “Your complexion may look slightly gray, your skin may not be as thick or supple as usual or you may have dark circles under your eyes. This is because the skin needs vitamin D to generate skin cells,” says Morrison Red Online.

uneven skin

Vitamin D has the ability to reduce skin inflammation. It’s possible acne, rosacea and pimples therefore counteract. If you do suffer from this, it may mean that you are not getting enough vitamin D or absorbing it from the sun.

Fine lines

Preventing fine lines is unfortunately not possible. We all deal with it as we get older. However, vitamin D can slow down the process. “It acts as an antioxidant and helps the body fight free radicals,” explains Morrison. It is precisely these radicals that can cause fine lines and skin aging. “A lack of vital vitamin D sources can result in deeper and more visible lines.”

Dry skin

We just called it: dry skin. According to Morrison, dry, itchy skin is perhaps the clearest sign that your skin isn’t getting enough vitamin D. If you don’t get enough of this, it can not only cause dry skin, but also eczema. This again has to do with the immune system, which simply needs vitamin D to function.

To sweat

The first sign of a vitamin D deficiency is sweating. “A vitamin D deficiency can cause your skin to sweat,” says Morrison. You sweat all over your body, so your facial skin also sweats. “This can make your skin dry and irritated and increase the risk of pimples.”

More vitamin D

The fastest way to increase your vitamin D intake is by taking supplements. “You can also try applying a vitamin D oil serum to your skin,” adds Morrison. In addition, a tasty way is to eat more foods that contain the vitamin. Vitamin D is found in oily fish, meat and eggs, among other things.

Source: Red Online, Nutrition Center | Image: Brooke Cagle (Unsplash)

2023-07-10 13:51:57
#signs #skin #vitamin

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