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Vitamin B9, protector of pregnancy – 2024-02-17 21:04:05

The terms folate and folic acid are often used interchangeably to designate a B vitamin, vitamin B9.

The first substance is found naturally in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and beans, while the second is a synthetic folate, present in supplements and added to fortified foods, reports the United States National Library of Medicine (MedlinePlus).

Vitamin B-9, an essential component of prenatal vitamins, is an essential nutrient during early pregnancy to reduce the risk of the baby suffering from birth defects, according to the Mayo Clinic (Minnesota, USA).

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that birth defects of the brain and spine (spina bifida and anencephaly) occur during the first weeks of pregnancy; frequently, before the woman knows she is pregnant.

“By the time you realize you are pregnant, it may be too late to prevent these birth defects. Furthermore, a high percentage of pregnancies, about half in the United States, are unplanned,” they add.

Natural, varied and complete nutrition. Photo LeClan/Lansinoh.


For these reasons, “it is important for all women who may become pregnant to be sure to take folic acid every day, even if they have no plans to become pregnant in the near future,” according to the CDC.

According to this source, the body does not use folate as easily as it uses folic acid, and it is also difficult to eat foods high in this vitamin daily, in sufficient quantities to help prevent tube defects. neural.

For this reason, “women who can become pregnant should consume 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid, in addition to eating a variety of foods rich in natural folate,” they advise.

Folic acid is a common component of multivitamin supplements in the form of liquid or swallowable or chewable tablets, and of enriched breakfast cereals, some of which can cover the daily requirement of this vitamin, with a single serving, depending on the CDC.

To remember to take the vitamin, they suggest taking it every day at the same time, for example when having breakfast, getting out of the shower or brushing your hair, so that you have the vitamin bottle within sight in the bathroom or kitchen, according to this same source.

Some foods especially rich in Vitamins B9. Photo LeClan/Lansinoh.

400 micrograms daily.

For this organism, a woman who can become pregnant (whether she plans to or not) needs only 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid per day, in addition to eating foods rich in folate, although her doctor may recommend that she take a higher dose. high, in certain cases, for example if you have previously had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect, according to the CDC.

For its part, the Mayo Clinic (www.mayoclinic.org/es-es) considers that adult women, who are planning a pregnancy or could become pregnant, “should be advised to take 400 to 1,000 mcg of folic acid per day.” day”.

The maximum recommended amount of folic acid during pregnancy or breastfeeding is 1,000 mcg per day for those over 18 years of age, according to MedlinePlus.

Some research suggests that taking folic acid in much higher doses, around 1 milligram (mg), per day may increase the risk of cancer or heart attack in people with a history of these diseases.

A microgram is equivalent to one millionth of a gram, while a milligram is one thousandth of a gram.

“The neural tube is the ‘first draft’ of the brain and spinal cord and its formation – which occurs in the first weeks of gestation – is one of the most important steps in the development of the embryo, since from this precursor structure the baby’s nervous system will develop,” they explain from the Gutenberg Center for Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine.

By ingesting the adequate dose of folic acid, brain malformations or “spina bifida syndrome” are prevented, in which the spinal column does not close completely, damaging the nerves and potentially causing paralysis in the legs, this center emphasizes ( www.ecografia4dgutenberg.com).

“The body uses vitamin B9 to make new cells. “The skin, hair, nails, and other parts of the body produce new cells every day,” according to the CDC.

In addition to intervening in the production and maintenance of new cells, vitamin B9 acts in conjunction with vitamins C and B12, which help form the protein responsible for iron, thus helping to prevent anemia, according to Laura Lázaro, marketing manager. in Spain from Lansinoh, a firm specialized in maternity and breastfeeding (www.lansinoh.es).

Maintaining adequate levels of folic acid in the body before and during the first weeks of pregnancy not only helps with proper neural tube formation, but also reduces the risk of other serious birth defects, as well as the possibility of miscarriage. premature, according to Lázaro.

It points out that folate is found in numerous foods that should be included in a healthy and balanced diet.

This vitamin is present “mainly in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, watercress, arugula, broccoli, lamb’s lettuce or artichokes, and also in whole grains such as oats, rice or quinoa, fruits such as avocado, banana or papaya, as well as seeds and nuts,” as Lázaro lists.

According to this spokesperson, “the safest way to know if you have a folic acid deficiency is through a blood test.” However, there are a series of symptoms that can alert a woman to a possible deficiency of this nutrient, which may lead the doctor to prescribe a supplement with this vitamin.

Some of the main symptoms are: headaches and dizziness, extreme paleness of the skin, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, lack of concentration and memory loss, permanent feeling of tiredness, high blood pressure, irritation and body aches, according to the team. Lansinoh advisor.

Pablo Gutman.

EFE Reports

Hands of a couple on female belly. Photo LeClan/Lansinoh.

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