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Visitors: In the history of French cinema, it was

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The unique comedy about the clash of cultures brought to the big screen the inventive knight played by Jean Reno and his smelly vassal played by Christian Clavier. Friends in life liked this film so much that their collaboration continued. Medieval and contemporary France creates a really fun atmosphere.

He wrote and directed the film Jean-Marie Poiréwho is one of the mainstream French filmmakers of his time, but the phenomenal success of The Visitors exceeded even his expectations. In France alone, 13.8 million viewers went to the cinema. It was the French hit of the decade worldwide and still holds its place in the top five most successful French films of all time.

The film had a very generous budget of 50 million francs, which was increased during filming thanks to a few-second advertisement for a well-known perfume.

The viewer was entertained from the first minutes, when the central couple were still frolicking in the Middle Ages, the plot was also revived by witchcraft. The moment the pair were transported to the present, one gag followed another. It was also fun meeting the descendants, whether it was the dentist’s wife (Valerie Lemercier), or about a hotelier (again Keyboard). The icing on the cake was the character of the homeless woman (Marie-Anne Chazel).

Trinity Clavier, Reindeer to Lemetcier they also met in the successful 1991 comedy Corned Beefwhen they managed to turn a weak script into a satchel that was well received by the audience. That’s why the director wanted all three of them in the film.

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The Visitors received nine César nominations in 1994, but in the end only Chazel scored for Best Supporting Actress.

The film’s success led to an American remake in 2001 (The Visitors: Journey to America), but the French stayed true to their film. The film from 1998 (Visitors 2: In the Halls of Time) and the last one from 2016 (Visitors 3: Revolution) were more successful. Although the audience criticized it, over 8 million people in France did not miss it.

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Interesting facts

  • It was filmed in the medieval city of Carcassonne in the south of France. Montmirail was actually Château d’Ermenonville, which lies approximately 50 km northeast of Paris, while Beatrice’s (Valérie Lemercier) home is located in the town of Thoiry, approximately 50 km west of Paris. Scenes from the medieval period were filmed in the Cité de Carcassonne. The scene where Godefroy de Montmirail shoots an arrow at his father-in-law was filmed in the countryside near Aude. The Val d’Oise was used for two other iconic scenes in the film: the now defunct Courtepaille restaurant in Cergy-Pontoise and the village of Frémécourt when Godefroy and Jacquouille meet the postman.
  • The magical formula “Per Horus et per Ra et per Sol Invictus duceres” means “Be guided by Horus and Ra and the unconquered Sun”. It is therefore a Latin formula invoking the Egyptian gods.
  • The Czech conductor Mário Klemens and the Czech Film Symphony Orchestra also participated in the production of the film.
  • In 1990, director Jean-Marie Poiré moved. In the box, he came across a short text he had written while attending school at the age of 17. The story was about a master and his servant who travel through time to the present. This writing inspired him to work on the screenplay.

The film is broadcast on August 24 on ČT2 in the evening.

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