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Visiting Papua, the TNI Commander Heard the Regional Commander

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The head of the TNI Information Center, Brig. Gen. Prantara Santosa, said that the TNI Commander was Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto together National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo coordinating with regional commanders in Papua.

The TNI Commander and the Police Chief have been in the land of Cenderawasih since Thursday (6/5) yesterday. While in Papua the Panglima also discussed and listened to the difficulties his subordinates encountered while on duty in Papua.

“Coordination with unit commanders below, discussion provides direction. (Listen) What are the difficulties,” said Prantara when contacted by CNNIndonesia.com by telephone, Friday (7/5).

Prantara has not explained the details of the Commander’s activities during his visit to Papua. He admitted that he had not received any progress reports related to his superior’s visit.

He said, it is possible that the Commander and the Chief of Police will be in Papua for one to two days.

“What is clear is that he left for Papua as he explained to commission I. As far as I know it may be a day or two,” he said.

Hadi’s departure for Papua was conveyed directly during a working meeting with the DPR Commission I yesterday. During the meeting Hadi said he would go to Papua with the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit.

Papua’s security situation is currently heating up. The government has designated the Free Papua Organization (OPM) Armed Criminal Group (KKB) as a terrorist group.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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