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Visit of Laurent Pietraszewski on the occasion of the return to work of employees in the hotel-catering and retail sectors

Laurent Pietraszewski, Secretary of State to the Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, in charge of Pensions and Occupational Health, will visit Reims this Wednesday, May 19, 2021 on the occasion of his return to work of employees in the hotel-catering and retail sectors.

The reopening of hotels, terraces and shops on Wednesday means that the companies concerned have to put in place measures intended to ensure the protection of the health and safety of their employees in an ever-present epidemic context. At the same time, this resumption of activity requires for many employees placed in partial activity for several months to familiarize themselves with certain professional gestures essential to the exercise of their profession. At the request of the Ministry of Labor, a practical guide was drawn up by the ANACT (National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions) intended to facilitate the return to work in good health and safety conditions.

On the first day of reopening, Laurent Pietraszewski will visit the city center of Reims to discuss with employees and managers of these establishments on the conditions of this reopening and in particular on the protocols and support tools put in place. place by the Government. He will then visit the Leclerc Saint-Brice Courcelles shopping center, and more particularly the signs of the shopping mall which will reopen that day.

Provisional process:

14h55 : Arrival at Place d’Erlon

51100 Reims

  • Stroll through the restaurants and shops in the square;
  • Meeting with the employees and managers of an establishment on the health protection measures for the employees and the modalities of resumption of activity.

    Microphone extended at the end

    Any accredited press

- 16h00 : Arrival at the Leclerc Saint-Brice-Courcelles shopping center

La Croix Maurencienne, 51370 Saint-Brice-Courcelles

  • Visit of the shopping center
  • Discussions with the staff, management and managers of the shops in the shopping center

Mandatory accreditation with the Marne prefecture:
[email protected]

Wearing a mask is compulsory. Please bring your own.

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