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Visit Japan’s Pokémon Fossil Museum for free from home

Through the website and thanks to the collaboration with the Toyohashi Natural History Museum, we can now see Pokémon fossils in a realistic environment

Any video game franchise or some type of audiovisual product It will try to make the most of its brand and generate all kinds of derivative products. Within video games there are many of these that they are an incredible mass phenomenon and today we have to bring to the fore one that we are quite aware of, at least this year, due to the arrival of a title set in Spain. We are talking about Pokémon, since It seems that they have managed to bring us a small detail that the most lovers will love.

Since he came into our lives, Pokémon has been characterized by presenting some creatures that coexist with humans and that have a series of abilities. Inspired by real-world animals, they couldn’t help but have similar origins. This is how they arise the designs of these little monsterssince they take key elements of our culture and transform them into creatures, hence there are even some Pokémon that are garbage bags or keychains.

Since the beginning of the franchise there were some Pokémon that came from fossils, referring to the fact that they were extinct creatures that, through said fossils, could be revived. In this way, and inspired by real fossils, some of the these monsters that later have been decisive. What if I told you that in Japan they have dedicated a wing of the Toyohashi Natural History Museum to be able to see what this would be like in real life? Well, it has happened and on top of that They have left us a way to visit it from home.

A Pokémon fossil museum? You already have it in your house

So much if you are passionate about the Pokémon franchise, as if you like everything that has to do with archeology, it is possible that this will generate some interest for you, since they have tried to unite both concepts. Nevertheless, If you enjoy both things, then directly you cannot miss this experience. Basically, a collaboration between the franchise and this natural history museum has achieved that there is a section within it where is a comparison between video games and the real elements that they take as reference.

Thus, have left for free on your website, a tour of all these sections that have left in the museum to be able to celebrate this section of Pokémon so close to our culture. Thus, we can enjoy various figures at sizes close to the reality of what would the fossils of the Pokémon look like that there have been in video games, in addition to the real fossils in which they have been inspired, be it dinosaurs or other kind of creatures.

The visit through the web is amazing, being able to enjoy some points of view closer than others, although we must say that it is surely something much more spectacular in person, since there are models that seem impressive. One of the drawbacks is that if you don’t know Japanese, everything that appears in the writings you will not understand and it seems quite interesting since it makes a comparison between the design decisions to choose one creature or another for the Pokémon fossil in question.

Can you make a face-to-face visit?

In principle, this section of the Toyohashi Natural History Museum is recreated in the museum itself, so if you are in Japan you can surely make a visit, but the fact that they have left it for free and online, has meant that it can reach more people. Surely over time this section will expand a little more if it is successfulsince there are some fossils that can hardly be seen or Pokémon that have not had their moment, so we do not rule out that it will be extended.

from the website We recommend you take a look at all the fossils and recreations that they have done in this section of the museum, since they do not have any waste and they will surely make you smile. If for whatever reason you are going to travel or you are out there and you have the opportunitysurely it is a unique experience, so don’t skimp on taking a look.

pokemon fossil museum

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