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#VisionaryDreams 2022: the countdown to the new streaming event…

BMW (Switzerland) Ltd

Dielsdorf (ZH) (ots)

The new edition of the digital event will be inaugurated on March 24, 2022 under the theme “Driving the Future”. +++ The live broadcast from the BMW Group Brand Experience Center is the promise of pure moments of entertainment. +++ A musical world premiere: the first joint performance by Luca Hänni and Noah Veraguth. +++ MINI Community-Challenge live from Lucerne +++ Details on the contents of the event in streaming. +++

The second edition of BMW Group Switzerland’s famous #VisionaryDreams live streaming event will start on Thursday, March 24, 2022. Under the theme “Driving the Future”, the approximately 90-minute show will be broadcast live from 7 p.m. from the BMW Group Brand Experience. Center in Dielsdorf near Zurich. Many highlights await the audience. The BMW, MINI and BMW Motorrad brands will offer an exclusive behind-the-scenes immersion through exciting interviews and videos. In the Lucerne region, MINI will invite its community to a challenge and an afterwork event at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne. The presence of prestigious guests and a musical world premiere will complete the digital event. The stream will air Thursday on this url.

“With #VisionaryDreams, we have an innovative and contemporary format that allows us to present our customers not only our current products in a playful way, but also future themes related to individual mobility and our commitment to sustainability”, welcomes Paul deCourtoisChairman and CEO of BMW (Switzerland) SA.

The presence of BMW ambassadors Luca Hänni and Noah Veraguth, who will compete in a treasure hunt across Switzerland, is one of the highlights of this edition. Live from the studio, the graffiti artist Boogie will also present his vision of the car of the future, through a work that will be offered during the event by drawing lots among the spectators. This year, the MINI challenge will be dedicated to the British brand’s first all-electric model. A call for competitors is launched for the competition which will be organized live in front of the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne. Their mission, among other things: to pedal on bicycles in order to produce, with the sole force of their muscles, the energy necessary for the operation of the high-voltage battery of the MINI Electric.

A musical world premiere will crown the second edition of #VisionaryDreams. Indeed, the two musicians and BMW ambassadors Luca Hänni and Noah Veraguth will meet on stage for a medley. This year, the #VisionaryDreams program therefore promises more than 90 minutes of pure entertainment.

The following week, from March 28 to April 2, 2022, the BMW Group Brand Experience Center will host the very first edition of the Motorshow: six days, five universes of experiences around urban mobility, driving pleasure off the tarmac roads, brand tradition and model history, the MINI brand and its BIG LOVE campaign, as well as 50 years of BMW M GmbH. The Motorshow will be an opportunity to present, among other things, the BMW i Vision Circular and MINI Vision Urbanaut, the Custom Bikes and the BMW M Classic Cars.

You will find detailed information on the different components of #VisionaryDreams as well as visual material for editorial purposes in the BMW Group PressClub.


In case of questions, please contact:
Sandro Kälin
BMW Group Switzerland – Corporate Communications
Tel.: +41 (0)58 269 10 92
Email: [email protected]

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