The NVWA and GGD conduct research into the possible contamination routes at every mink farm where contamination with SARS-CoV-2 is demonstrated. In addition to this tracing research, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is conducting more extensive research to identify introductory routes. So far, the tracing investigation has not provided any concrete indication of how the virus entered the farms. The way in which the virus has spread remains unknown for the time being. Minister Schouten of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality reports this to the Lower House.
Up to and including 12 October, infections with SARS-CoV-2 have been detected on 64 mink farms. Of these, 43 are located in Noord Brabant, 19 in the province of Limburg and two in Gelderland. 27 Infections arrived via a report of symptoms and 37 via the early warning system, for which the keepers send in cadavers every week for further investigation.
The zoonoses outbreak management team concluded at its last meeting that humans are probably the most important source of distribution among companies. However, the expert team also has insufficient leads to determine the intake routes.
A possible explanation for the continuous finds of contaminated companies is that they have been contaminated for longer than initially assumed. To gain more clarity about this, a serological screening of 26 companies in the risk area is carried out and a more extensive serological and PCR investigation of infected and to be cleared companies takes place.
source: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, 13/10/2020
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