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Virus slows down sport | Free press

The corona pandemic has been omnipresent in all areas of life this year – and will be for a long time. Many athletes look back on a lost year. But there were also bright spots.

Freiberg / Mittweida.

It was Friday, March 13th, when the corona pandemic hit Germany with the first wave. After the handball association of Saxony had already canceled all games for the weekend the day before, three other associations followed suit on that day within a few minutes. Not only the basketball and volleyball players were no longer allowed on the field, but also the soccer players, for whom it would have been the start of the league game year 2020 for the most part. From then on, the rapid spread of the coronavirus dominated the headlines all year round. The first glimmers of hope for the sport came in late spring, when the first easings came into force and a few more competitions could be brought to a conclusion. With the start of the second wave in autumn, however, there was an even longer break for the active ones. Most of the sports facilities have been closed since November, only cadre athletes were allowed to continue training under hygienic conditions. Many club representatives and in some cases also sports associations criticized the fact that children and young people in particular suffer from a ban on sports and a lack of social contacts. But at the moment there is no relaxation in sight for the new year.

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