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Virus protection: evo_lutio – LiveJournal

I will write my list of measures; there is nothing special or new in it.

But I already saw how some noses from the inside are taught to wash with soap or to handle their hands with alcohol.

Probably very poorly imagine how the virus penetrates the body.

If the mucous membrane of your nose is overdried, even a medical mask will not help when meeting with the virus.

Therefore, the nose should be washed with saline, moisturizing sprays, and not washed with soap.

The nose should be well hydrated.

Protective ointment, such as oxolinic or viferon, should be used sparingly so as not to dry the nose and cause swelling, otherwise you will breathe in your mouth instead of the nose, and the protective functions of the pharynx are much worse than the nose.

Just as you need to get used to washing your hands and not touching your face, you need to get used to breathing with your nose, not your mouth.

Viruses will continue to mutate, like bacteria, so those who want to adapt to such a dangerous neighborhood must learn this.

Hands should also be lubricated with cream after washing, washed with soap, then lubricated with cream, and the face should be washed and smeared with cream, moisturized skin has local immunity, in addition to general. But overdried not.

You need to gargle your throat when you come home, you can use a regular gargle for your teeth. It contains an antiseptic, but does not dry. At the same time, gums also benefit.

A new virus enters the body through the conjunctiva of the eyes, so moisturizing drops must also be used for the eyes, all the more useful.

Hilo-chest of drawers I personally like. But there are many similar moisturizing drops in pharmacies.

Protective goggles can be worn, at least sun-glasses, especially since the sun is already bright.

Humidifiers should be in each apartment until they turned off the heating. In extreme cases, you can put open containers of water.

You do not need to drink alcohol. Alcohol is a bad remedy in such a period. Depressant and an oppressor of the immune system.

Alcohol must be drunk when one wants to have fun or relax after work, at leisure, on vacation, in a safe environment. And when you need to be collected and activate the immune system, drinking alcohol is very harmful.

You need to drink plenty of clean water, green tea or natural apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons per glass of water) with honey. Because the more fluids you drink, the better viruses are eliminated from the body, and alcohol traps fluids instead of the diuretic effect. Well, the mucous membranes are well hydrated when you drink a lot. And moistened mucous membranes are protection.

Vitamin D must be drunk, preferably with K, but you can simply D, in large doses (5000), since almost the vast majority of people in winter and spring have it reduced or even a deficiency if you do not specifically take it. And vitamin D is the basis of immunity.

Echinacea enhances immunity and contains almost the entire periodic table. Alchemical plant.

Everything that contains vitamin C: pomegranate juice, orange, tea with lemon. Relieves stress (reduces cortisol) and raises protection.

You need to sleep a couple of hours more than you usually do. Sleep is the best way to quickly restore defenses.

And the food. If eating interruptions, immunity drops. Weight loss should be postponed during the epidemic.

Outerwear and shoes, and preferably trousers, coming from the street, must be left in the hallway. It is advisable to wash your hair every day; viruses also live on them for a long time. Do not forget to handle the phone.

You need to ventilate the apartment more often, avoiding a draft. The better you ventilate the room, the less viruses there, even if you brought them.

You can take hot baths every day, excluding the area of ​​the heart, that is, sitting, if there are no contraindications. From warming the body, immunity rises. You should not be cold during the day. Drink cold or eat ice cream – weaken the local immunity of the nasopharynx. You can’t drink very hot too, it burns the mucous membrane.

These are the most effective measures, they were known in ancient times. Then I’ll write something less known.

But I will not advise wearing plague masks with beaks and stuffing beaks with laurel, frankincense and garlic, from this the mucous membranes also dry out. And you need moisture.

You can still listen to classical music.

For example, I listen to Mozart in general from everything.

And here is a selection known to many psychotherapists to improve vitality, including immunity.

The Sixth Symphony by Tchaikovsky
“Overture of Edmond” Beethoven
“Prelude 1” Chopin
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 List

Take care of yourself.

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