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VIRUS / Media: Two doctors dead after infection with corona virus in France


PARIS (dpa-AFX) – According to media reports, two other doctors have died in France after being infected with the novel coronavirus. A 66-year-old gynecologist and obstetrician from Mulhouse (Mulhouse) in the heavily affected region of Grand Est died on Sunday in the Dijon University Hospital, the regional newspaper “Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace” reported on Monday. He had practiced in Mulhouse until March 12 and was probably infected, the newspaper wrote, citing the clinic. He then traveled to his country house in the Burgundy region and finally came to the hospital with breathing problems.

A 60-year-old general practitioner also died in the Grand Est region. He was admitted to a clinic in Saint-Avold on Wednesday with respiratory problems, the French news agency AFP said, citing the mayor of the city. The entire Grand Est region, which also borders Germany, is one of the epidemic hotspots in France.

At the weekend, an around 60-year-old emergency doctor in Compiègne died about 80 kilometers north of Paris after being infected with the corona virus. He is said to be the first doctor in France to fall ill with Covid-19 and die./nau/DP/mis

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