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Virus madness loses lawsuit, asks people not to come to Malieveld | NOW

The ban on the demonstration of action group Virus Madness on the Malieveld on Sunday remains in force, a spokesperson for the court of The Hague reports to NU.nl on Saturday. The action group calls on protesters not to come to the Malieveld after all.

The action group filed a lawsuit after acting mayor Johan Remkes demonstrated Friday had prohibited. The court has decided that the ban of the security region will be maintained. On Monday, the judge will explain the decision.

Virus madness is mainly against the one and a half meter society and the crownspoedwet that the cabinet wants to introduce.

Lawyer Jeroen Pols of the action group calls on people not to come to the Malieveld tomorrow, even though the group previously stated that they wanted to protest on “personal title”. “We don’t want to repeat last week’s riots and therefore call on people not to come to the Malieveld,” Pols told the AD.

Willem Engel of Virus Madness adds to the WE “to be afraid of a confrontation”. “It has been made clear to us that there will be tough action. We now take the responsibility to call for not coming to the Malieveld tomorrow.”

Demonstration prohibited due to public health hazard

Remkes bans the demonstration because it would endanger public health because of its “expected size”. According to him, there are “clear signals” that the protest can get out of hand just like last Sunday. In addition, according to Remkes, Virus madness is not prepared to observe the corona measures.

Four hundred people were arrested during the anti-lockdown protest last Sunday at the Malieveld. In addition to demonstrators, other groups that were interested in riots also came to the protest.

According to Remkes, there have been signs in recent days that not only protesters would come to the demonstration, but also “groups that are after chaos and violence”.

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