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Virus: Germany closes its borders and draws criticism from the EU

L’Germany closed some of its borders, with the Czech Republic and Austrian Tyrol, on Sunday in an attempt to contain the spread of Covid-19, sparking criticism from the European Union and protests from Vienna.

“It’s a disaster!”: Coming from Austria, Irene wanted to pass in transit in Germany by car but the police stopped her dead at the border post of Kiefersfelden, where the police force, mask on the face , now strictly filter the entries.

“I’m from Tyrol, I just wanted to transit through Germany to shorten the journey to Vienna. I have a 15 year old dog in the car and now I’m going to have to spend hours on the little ones. Austrian roads, all without GPS, “she grumbles.

The only people authorized to pass: Germans, people residing in the country as well as cross-border workers and professions considered strategic, such as transporting goods, on condition that they can present a very recent negative PCR test for the coronavirus.

As of Sunday afternoon, German police had checked some 1,700 vehicles and turned back 500 of them.

Suspended trains

A large system of a thousand police officers was mobilized to ensure these checks. The Deutsche Bahn railway company suspended its connections with these areas and the police carried out checks at the arrivals of Frankfurt airport.

“The people who are turned back are put to one side in a line with their vehicles. A police car comes to the front of the convoy and brings them back to Austria,” a spokesman for the forces of the Kiefersfelden told Kiefersfelden. order, Rainer Scharf.

At the Czech border, Sunday had to count with an hour of traffic jam.

These restrictions were decided on because of the German government’s fears of a new wave of Covid-19 contamination from the British and South African variants of the virus. However, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Austrian region of Tyrol are considered by Berlin as high-risk areas.

Border controls could also soon be established at the border with Moselle, a French department where the circulation of variants is particularly active.

“We must prevent any further intrusion as much as possible,” argues the Minister of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg, a region bordering France.

‘Wrong’ measurements

This turn of the screw is not to the taste of the European Union, which fears as in spring 2020 the temptation of “every man for himself” of the countries of the bloc and a questioning of the Schengen area of ​​free movement in the face of the pandemic.

“The European Commission is concerned about recent unilateral decisions” in the area of ​​borders, Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said on Sunday.

“The virus will not be stopped by closed borders”, also lamented European Commissioner for Health Stella Kyriakides Sunday in the German daily Augsburger Allgemeine.

“The only thing that helps are vaccines and health precautionary measures, in my opinion it is wrong to return to a Europe of closed borders,” she added.

“Enough!”, Retorted in the daily Bild the German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer, referring the European Commission to the criticisms of which it is the object for the slowness of the vaccination campaign.

The Commission “has made enough mistakes’ like this” and should be supporting us rather than putting obstacles in the way with its advice, “he said.

Germany is in favor of Europe without borders “but there is a moment during a pandemic when such decisions must be taken to preserve public health”, added his colleague in Health, Jens Spahn, in the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung.

Faced with the risk of variants of the virus, Berlin has just extended on its territory the partial confinement to which the population has been subjected since the end of last year, even if the number of infections is declining.

14/02/2021 19:24:06 – Kiefersfelden (Allemagne) (AFP) – © 2021 AFP

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