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Afrofuturism: How Black Creatives Point to a Brighter Future

Learn what afrofuturism is and what it shows us about the power of fiction, imagination, and hope

Before diving into what afrofuturism is, it’s worth looking at plain old futurism. It might sound like a made up concept from science fiction but that’s sort of the point: any theory about the future has to be built on fiction, as the future hasn’t happened yet.

A futurist finds meaning in the future, imagining what might be possible when we get there. In literature, this act is often called speculative fiction. But futurism can be applied to a multitude of disciplines, from architecture to legislation.

By using the future as a starting point, futurists can establish ideal worlds, ideas, and creations that incorporate their beliefs, prompting us to look at what might be possible, and what needs to be done to get there.

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