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Virus detected in 18 UABC medical students

The Rectory of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) reported yesterday that at least 18 Medicine students, between social services and interns, tested positive for Covid-19 after working in public institutions due to the contingency.

In addition, another 29 students are waiting to confirm if they are sick with Covid-19.

A spokesperson for the institution clarified that for this reason on April 7, the students were withdrawn from their service in the state health sector.

This weekend, Governor Jaime Bonilla considered that it is important that students support the health sector.

He made a call to the Rector of the UABC, Daniel Octavio Valdez Delgadillo, to stand in solidarity in the face of the health emergency and to summon medical students, inmates who he ordered to withdraw, to join the work in hospitals to attend to patients with Covid -19.

“This is the zero moment for the state, in this health emergency; We know of the risks of contagion, but I appeal to students who have the vocation of service to help their community, with all the protective measures that you must have, “said the state president.

According to local media, through his communication team Valdez Delgadillo stated that the withdrawal of the 1,150 medical and nursing students who carried out their services and practices in public health institutions, was reflected on for a long time.

“It was considered that it was important that those who already have professional experience and not in academic training, were those at this stage, were those present in the contingency,” he said.

In the statement that was published in early April, the UABC indicated that the withdrawal of the students was for the safety of the students and their families.

“The UABC withdraws from internship and internship, all its students who currently serve in institutions of the health sector, effective from today April 7 and until April 30, 2020, except for new provision.

“The above considering the current stage of the Covid-19 health emergency and putting the safety of the Maroons and their families first. We continue to work remotely but united, providing online healthcare services and innovating and applying science to serve our community, ”he announced.

The institution reported yesterday that its Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, in coordination with the state Health Secretariat, launched the Covid-19 Telehealth System.
“In this way, the population of the entire state can receive, during the quarantine period, advice and remote consultation, as well as official and verified information on this disease,” he said.

It is three times greater lethality in the elderly

In Mexico, those who get the most sick from Covid-19 are people between 25 and 59 years old, but the case fatality rate is almost three times higher among older adults, said José Luis Alomía, general director of Epidemiology.

73.1 percent of the new coronavirus infections are registered in the population aged 25 to 59 years; while in people over 60 only 19.9 percent is observed.

In other words, a total of 3408 infected were detected in the first group; while in the elderly, only 927. However, the case fatality rate in the second is three times greater than in the group between 25 and 59 years.

“It is 14 percent in those with more than 60,” said the expert. While in the group with younger people the case fatality is 4.9 percent.

Alomy even pointed out that the case fatality rate in older adults is double that of the national level, which is 6.4 percent.

“That is why it is always important to mention the protection that must be in this sector, due to age,” he said.

At the conference it was detailed that of the 4661 registered cases, 1,328 were located in Mexico City; 523, in the State of Mexico; 335 in Baja California and 256 in Puebla.

Also, it was specified that 58 percent of the cases are registered in men and 42 percent in women.

Likewise, it was documented that hypertension, diabetes, obesity and smoking are the main comorbidities presented by the 296 cases that died.

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