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Virus, circulating to schools with ad hoc measures

“In order to standardize management within educational institutions of all levels and degrees”, the Ministry of Education has issued the circular prepared by the Ministry of Health to the Regional School Offices and schools with the ‘Directions for the management of students and teachers returning or departing to affected areas of China‘.

For students who have not returned from China and that they have not been in contact with the sick, reads the circular, “there are no specific measures except those aimed at preventing common respiratory tract infections”. That is: washing your hands; cover the airways when coughing and sneezing; in case of use of paper tissues, once used, they must be thrown away; pay particular attention to surface hygiene; avoid close contact with people with flu-like symptoms.

For students who have returned from China in the past 2 weeks, in addition to the previous measures, the circular prescribes to monitor the possible onset of symptoms such as cough, fever, respiratory difficulties, and, in the event of the onset of symptoms: call 1500 or the regional reference centers; protect the airways with a mask; avoid close contacts until the health personnel define the health situation.

For students who have been informed by the health authority, or who have otherwise come to know, that they have traveled with an nCoV patient – with any type of transport – and / or having lived with an nCoV patient, within a period of 14 days, the circular prescribes: to promptly call the 1500 or the reference centers of the regions, for surveillance measures, if they are not have already been adopted by the health authority.

BEWARE OF BEHAVIORS – For students and children who attend educational services for children, primary and secondary schools, the circular “suggests that adults who are part of the school staff (teacher and otherwise) pay particular attention to favoring the adoption of behaviors to reduce the possibility of contamination with secretions from the airways, also through objects (toys, pencils, etc.) “.

“To reduce the overall risk of acute respiratory infections, secondary school and university students who intend to travel to the affected areas, in light of the global epidemiological situation related to the 2019-nCoV infection, reiterates that these trips are not recommended “reads the circular. “In the event that travel in the affected areas has already begun – the circular reads – the interested parties must follow the following indications: avoid visiting the markets for fresh food of animal origin and live animals; avoid contact with people who have respiratory symptoms; wash hands frequently; for any need contact the Embassy or Consulate; if a person develops respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, breathing difficulties) while in risk areas, he should immediately contact a These indications may also be considered valid for teachers, researchers and university staff. These indications may be modified as the epidemiological situation changes. “

THE LETTER OF THE PRINCIPALS – The president of the PNA, the national association of principals, Antonello Giannelli, today sent a letter to the Minister of the School asking to “issue precise indications as soon as possible”. “In these hours – reads the letter – we are receiving from school managers, teachers and parents numerous requests for instructions on how schools should behave to better cope with the risk of coronavirus infection. In particular, there are some cases of pupils / students who have recently traveled to China and this is fueling the spread of widespread fears. I therefore ask you to issue precise indications as soon as possible so that schools adopt correct and homogeneous behavior throughout the national territory and, at the same time, reassure families and staff all. “

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