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Virus, 10 outbreaks in Italy from Mondragone to Como. Crisanti: «Risks of new local lockdowns»

ROMA The coronavirus back to scare after a short respite. Cases are growing again in Europe where the red areas return, but the situation begins to get hot also in Italy where covid outbreaks have reignited. In some regions critical situations are taking place and the Institute of Health calls for caution to avoid the same situation that other countries are experiencing with the second wave of the virus.

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The epidemic in Italy has not ended and the lowering of hospitalizations and the number of infections must not also lower the citizens’ guard. New outbreaks have come on, if at first hospitals and RSA seemed to be the most risky places now are the offices and jobs to worry about. The infections that are occurring in these days relate to the period from 18 May to 1 June, when therefore there was a first opening, but not yet between the various regions.

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The ministry and ISS report also shows that the absence of signs of overload of the welfare services persists and that the cases are increasing compared to the previous weeks, but although caution must continue to exist, they do not seem to be worrying yet. In Italy the contagion index remains below zero, only in Lazio, due to the outbreak of San Raffaele, is above 1. In Lombardy, on the other hand, the index is 0.82, improving (slightly) compared to last week. In Veneto the index is 0.69, in Sicily 0.72, in Tuscany 0.74. Lower levels in other regions such as Marche (0.59), Abruzzo (0.57) and Piedmont (0.56). Very low levels in Basilicata (where it rises to 0.1), Umbria, Sardinia and Calabria, below 0.1.

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Currently there are ten outbreaks in Italy: that of Mondragone (Caserta) where the residents of the ex Cirio Palaces were placed in quarantine (30 positive); Palmi (Reggio Calabria) where there are 8 positives; Bologna where in a company there were 14 positive and in a commercial activity 12 positive; Montecchio (Reggio Emilia), with an outbreak in two families with parental ties for a total of positives; Bolzano, with a family outbreak with 11 positives; How, where 7 positives were found in a shelter for needy people; Provinces of Prato and Pistoia with 19 positives; Porto Empedocle (Agrigento), with an outbreak in the ship of migrants brought by the Sea Watch for a total of 28 positives; Alexandria, in a nursing home with 13 positives; Roma, in a religious institute with 4 positives, in addition to the outbreaks of Garbatella and San Raffaele Pisana hospital.

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However, the infections should not be underestimated, as Crisanti himself affirms, which reaffirms the rapidity with which the virus spreads, which is why the closure must be timely to avoid the drama of the first wave. The risk of new lockdowns is therefore not remote and for this reason the experts urge citizens not to relax too much and continue to use masks and follow the rules of social distancing.

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What Crisanti claims specifically about lockdowns. Also in Italy, as in China and Germany, there is a scenario made up of small outbreaks and mini red areas: the cases of Mondragone and Bologna demonstrate this, indicating how rapidity in swabs and in tracing contacts is the right way to follow for avoid nasty surprises in the fall. Andrea Crisanti, director of Microbiology and Virology of the University of Padua and consultant of the Veneto Region, guest of ‘Circo Massimò on Radio Capital explains it. Crisanti says he is “happy” with the response put in place in Bologna and Mondragone: “it is the right way, but we must expect other of these situations, as happened in Germany and China. Italy is not immune. If we want to pass it unscathed, we must be very vigilant in the autumn, it applies to institutions and citizens. As at the beginning of the pandemic, this virus is able to spread and transmit itself without creating serious cases ». Regarding the controversy over non-contagious asymptomatics, the virologist has no doubts: “if the hospitals are empty and if the asymptomatics are not transmitting, where do these 296 new cases from yesterday come out? It is clear that asymptomatics transmit ». For this reason, the document signed by ten experts declaring the emergency over is “inappropriate”. “It was not an act of responsibility to write that document, it does not invite prudence,” says Crisanti. “It may suggest that there is no more danger and that it is all over. The situation has improved, but thanks to a rigid lockdown and a climatic situation that seems to block the spread of the virus. This situation will not be repeated in October-November “.

Last update: 20:05


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