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Virtually the whole story of Halo: Infinite escaped

How we got you pointed out last week, a “technical test” took place from Thursday to Sunday (interestingly, the creators preferred not to call it more traditional, such as open alpha) the most anticipated Xbox games of today, Halo: Infinite – which is likely to have a fairly free ring for itself this Christmas, as major titles of competition (Horizon and Zelda) apparently they backed away until next year. The good news is that most of the Halo community felt good about trying the game, some were even very excited. The bad news is that the trial version files inadvertently contained text data from the story campaign:

These were things like UI texts, which include, among other things, the objectives of the mission, etc. As a result, the fans managed to put together in great detail and sequentially on the discussion forums, what the story of the game is about. Of course, we will not spoil your surprise or provide a link to anything like that – who cares, finds it and who doesn’t, will have to set up filters on Twitter, etc. However, it is worth noting that the leaked story works very completely with one major exception: missing the final. This could indicate that the campaign will end in a similarly open way as Halo 2 (or Halo 5) once did, and more additional campaigns await us in the future. Which would fit in with more information that there will be more campaigns (plural) in the game.

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