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Virtual reality – what is it?

As time moves forward, technology develops at lightning speed.

It seems that just yesterday virtual reality seemed to us something impossible or a distant future, but now virtual ones reality glasses and other related devices we use not only for entertainment and recreation, but also in medicine, construction and other fields. What exactly are virtual glasses and virtual reality as such? Read this informative article and get educated!

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated 3D environment that allows people, or users, to explore and interact with a virtual environment as if it were happening in reality, with the user perceiving it all with their senses. This virtual environment is created using software and various devices such as virtual reality glasses, screens, levers, etc.

The deeper the user can immerse himself in the VR environment, the more he perceives it as reality. That is why it is essential that the virtual glasses and other devices are of high quality and provide an excellent representation.

Experts estimate that the VR industry still has room to aspire and grow, despite the fact that technology has come a long way. Virtual reality already offers users a wide range of opportunities, so it can be used in many industries.

Types of Virtual Reality:

  • non-immersive – this type of VR usually refers to a 3D simulated environment accessed through a computer screen, such as video games. Depending on the program, the virtual environment can also produce sound effects. The user has some control over the virtual environment using a keyboard, mouse or other device, but the environment does not directly interact with the user;

  • semi-immersive – this type provides a semi-virtual experience that the user can enjoy using virtual reality glasses, headphones, etc. etc. Devices. In this case, the focus is on the 3D virtual representation, excluding other senses. Semi-immersive virtual reality is used, for example, for pilot and military training;

  • fully immersive – this VR is considered the most realistic as it completely immerses the user in the 3D simulated environment. Several senses are used, such as touch, sight, sound. There have even been attempts to use perfumes in the world. To experience this virtual reality, people have to use virtual reality glasses, gloves, levers, etc. For an even better experience, industry-specific devices such as treadmills, bicycles, etc. can also be used. etc. Fully immersive virtual reality is used in the gaming industry, medicine and other industries;

  • collaborative – virtual reality, which refers to the virtual meeting of different individuals on a platform to chat. Headphones and a microphone are used for communication;

  • augmented – using augmented reality, virtual simulations are created in combination with a real environment, for example, an application in a smart device where you can see how a sofa or bed offered by a store would look in an existing, real room, etc. Etc.

Increasingly, it is impossible to distinguish each type of VR separately, as companies and researchers use them in combination. There are also opinions about whether, for example, augmented and mixed virtual reality would not be correct to call it a separate category and not just a type of virtual reality. Anyway, one thing is clear – virtual reality is no longer the future. It is the present that brings broad benefits to everyone.


Ways to use VR

Most often, virtual reality is associated with the field of entertainment and especially the video game industry. It’s no surprise either, as the gaming industry has initially been a priority for VR. However, in recent years, the application of virtual reality is also growing in other niches, such as:

  • for training – various simulators, situation analysis, etc. are used for the training of policemen, firefighters, medics, military personnel, etc.;

  • in education – virtual reality opens up new opportunities for children’s and adults’ education. It is a way to better depict and present the learning material and attract students’ attention. This is especially relevant now, when children are introduced to technology at an early age;

  • Health Care – The benefits of VR in healthcare can be attributed to all parties involved: patients, physicians and medical staff, as well as medical scientists and researchers. It is for this industry that the growth of the application of virtual reality is predicted;

  • trade – The COVID-19 pandemic gave companies a big push to finally start taking advantage of digital marketing. Thus, an increasing number of online stores appeared. What’s next? The opportunity to try on clothes online, decorate your home, virtually change your style, etc. etc., thanks to the opportunities provided by VR;

  • Real Estate – one of the areas where virtual reality can be used most widely. For example, architects can model 3D plans, buyers can view the building in 360o tours before going to see them in person, engineers can design communication plans, before the start of repairs, home owners have the opportunity to view and evaluate the results electronically, etc.;

  • fun – not only for playing video games, but significant leaps of development are expected soon in relation to the cinema and TV industry as well. Also, there are ample opportunities for virtual tourism to allow the user to see and enjoy places where they are not allowed to stay in reality.


The simplest form of virtual reality is a 3D image that anyone can view on their smart device without using additional accessories. On the other hand, more complex forms, such as playing video games, require several devices, such as virtual reality glasses and headphones, screens, etc. Such high-quality accessories are provided by virtual reality rooms where anyone interested can go to have fun.

Most likely, the biggest fans of technology and especially VR will argue that it is correct to distinguish between two types of VR rooms:

  1. the physical space the user is in, such as a room;

  2. a virtual or non-existent space into which the user “enters” as soon as the virtual glasses are put on.

However, this time we will describe more about the physical space, which is commonly referred to as a virtual reality room. Read on and find out what they are and where they are available!


A virtual reality room is a place to play virtual reality games. Such places are usually offered by entertainment centers, providing their customers with everything they need – licensed games, screens, virtual glasses, headphones, controllers, etc.


The “GUNSnLASERS” VR room, which was opened in 2022, is available in Riga. It is located at Mārkalnes Street 10, Jugla, in a former manufactory. This virtual reality room is designed to provide a great gaming experience. The space is wide and free, so that during any game, the player can move freely in all directions and not accidentally run into, for example, a chair or a closet.

By choosing the “GUNSnLASERS” VR room, you will have access not only to high-quality equipment, but also to the most popular games, such as:

  • Beat Saber – break blocks representing music and enjoy not only the rhythm, but also bright neon lights;

  • Creed: Rise to Glory – compete in the boxing ring with the strongest opponents and become the champion;

  • Arizona Sunshine – You are caught in a zombie apocalypse, so fight for survival in Arizona;

  • The Room VR: A Dark Matter – use strategic and logical thinking to get out of the room! Put on virtual glasses and find useful clues;

  • Onward – become the best sniper and recognize different weapons. Military simulation fans will love this Mil-Sim tactical VR video game;

  • Blade & Sorcery: Nomad – enter the Middle Ages and defeat your opponents using swords and bows;

  • Epic Roller Coasters – ride the virtual roller coaster, but enjoy truly realistic emotions. The game is also suitable for children;

  • Rec Room – plays paintball and other sports games, organizes and attends parties. Enjoy your vacation with other friends;

  • Carve Snowboarding – enjoy winter sports and rush down impressive mountain slopes or show your skills in freestyle tournaments;

  • Job Simulator – assume the role of a skilled manager and fire bad employees or on the contrary – be a hard worker and work overtime;

  • Bogo – do you want an unusual but cute pet? Try this game and become a caring owner of your pet, feeding it donuts and more!

These are not the only games available in the “GUNSnLASERS” virtual reality room. Reserve time for your relaxation and go enjoy the best gaming experience!


To reserve a VR room:

  • Call by tel. No. 27274646 (after connection press button 1 and then 1 again);

  • Write a letter to the e-mail [email protected];

  • Visit the website www.gunsnlasers.lv and fill out the online contact form (before leaving, wait for a call from the customer manager to get confirmation of your reservation)!

“GUNSnLASERS” will provide everything you need for recreation – virtual reality glasses, official games, screens, controllers, as well as tables, poufs and chairs. You can bring your own food and drinks for no extra charge if you want to have a cool party with your friends! Enjoy modern relaxation!


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