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Virtual get-together at the Sossenheim club ring


Virtual get-together at the Sossenheim club ring

by Ilse Romahn

(29.03.2021) The Vereinring Frankfurt am Main – Sossenheim has invited its member clubs to a virtual get-together.

Virtual regulars’ table
Photo: Vereinsring Frankfurt-Sossenheim


Since a physical meeting is unfortunately not possible at the moment, they wanted to meet in a cozy and sociable atmosphere and offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with one another in a relaxed atmosphere.

What could not be missing was the regular table feeling. And so, before the meeting, they did handicrafts and tied up so that each participant also had the appropriate regular table utensils ready.

They talked about the past year, how the clubs experienced the past months during the pandemic, about the challenges or what one or the other club has done, and also took a look into the future.

Everyone agreed that it was a successful format and a great opportunity to see each other again in this round. So the next regular’s table is being planned.

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