Home » today » Entertainment » Virpi Kätkä apologized to his friends – 2024-03-31 03:05:40

Virpi Kätkä apologized to his friends – 2024-03-31 03:05:40

Combining studies and work made Virpi Kätkä exhausted for the first time. Virpi breaks down his future plans, although he leaves a lot to the Lord.

Singer Virpi Kätkä, 54, known from the CatCat duo, has recently approached his friends with apologies. Virpi moved from Naantal to Helsinki last year and started studying theology in the fall.

– I have managed to see two of my friends from Helsinki before the studies started. I haven’t seen anyone since. I’ve apologized and said I’ll start making time. Life is not just studying or work, says Virpi.

Virpi Kätkä combines work and study – and it has had its price. UNDER LIESIMAA

In the spring, Virpi has experienced exhaustion for the first time in his life. He describes his feelings as an army of ants in his head – once and for all, nothing went wrong.

– When I got the last essays out, I couldn’t do anything for a while.

– I’m really careful when it comes to gig work and I’ve been able to say no. This study is a new thing and I am so excited. I haven’t been able to say no. Work combined with studies is tough and at the age of 54 it’s not easy, says Virpi.

Virpi moved to Helsinki with her daughter last year. UNDER LIESIMAA

Virpi says that if he lived alone, his level of requirements would be different. Virpi, who lives with her daughter, wants to live comfortably, which is why she also works alongside her studies. Virpi lives with her daughter in the immediate vicinity of the center of Helsinki.

Virpi says that his schedule is tough until the middle of May. After that, he learns to say the necessary ein again.

The Bye Bye Baby hit turns 30 years old. Sisters Virpi and Katja Kätkä make up CatCat. Kari Pekonen

Both the Bye Bye Baby 30th party in Helsinki and the Eurovision party loom in the CatCat duo’s calendar. This year it will be 30 years since the Kätkä sisters represented Finland in Dublin with their catchy song.

On the final day of the Eurovision Song Contest, CatCat will take the stage at the Nokia Arena with other Eurovision Song Contest candidates from previous years.

Public disputes

Virpi Kätkä has noted the toxicity of social media. UNDER LIESIMAA

Virpi believes that there is enough work in his new field and that the churches will soon be overcrowded due to the world situation. Virpi has found the atmosphere in the parishes to be tolerant, but the loudest representatives may say otherwise.

– Some is the beginning and root of evil, Virpi sighs.

– Lordi has said that rap is from Satan. But I say that social media is from Satan, he continues.

Virpi has noticed that a lot of bad things can be done on social media.

– It is always said that young people need to be taught how to write there, but they are not the only ones.

– The parishioners could set an example and not point a finger and show intolerance for different opinions. We should focus on things that unite, not separate, says Virpi.

Virpi Kätkä says that public insults have been one of his lessons. UNDER LIESIMAA

He calls himself an expert on the subject and openly tells an example from his own life.

– I have spoken badly about another in public. I’ve noticed how stupid it is and only tells about me, says Virpi.

Virpi refers to his ex-partner, singer Tauski Peltosee, and the public insults he said.

– When we were able to mend our relationship after the quarrels, I decided that I will not speak a bad word about anyone again.

Now Virpi says that failures have taught him the most.

– Tauski and I have had great relations for years, but this was one of my schools, Virpi says.

Moving north?

Virpi has already replaced the parish priest. UNDER LIESIMAA

The new studies have also taken Virpi to his home region of Ylitornio. Last summer, Virpi had a good time in the local parish working in the friary school, in the winter he did his candi training there. In December, Virpi already replaced the parish priest.

– I have already held Christmas Eve and Christmas Day devotions alone. I’m not allowed to share communion yet, because I don’t have a priest’s ordination yet, Virpi says.

The gigs also take the CatCat duo north. During the Lapin gigs, Virpi spends time at his parents’ cottage. The birthplace is dear to Virpi.

– I have told mother and father that when they are in such condition that they cannot function by themselves, they do not have to go to a nursing home. I’ll come there then. They have given me the best possible childhood and still take care of me, so I do it the other way around too.

Virpi plans to get ordained as a priest. UNDER LIESIMAA

– I’m moving to Ylitornio when the situation demands it, says Virpi.

Virpi does not make more detailed plans for the future. However, he is about to graduate for a new profession.

– Priests work on weekends, but I’m used to that, Virpi, who has toured concert stages for decades, smiles.

– I’m going to get ordained as a priest, but what I’ll do after that – I’ll leave it up to the Lord.

Makeup and hair: Muru Ritala

#Virpi #Kätkä #apologized #friends

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