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Virologist Christian Drosten: Corona is as dangerous as the flu | Life & Knowledge

Even four and a half years after the outbreak of the pandemic, there are still reports of new, presumably more dangerous corona variants. But now someone who was previously considered one of the biggest virus warnings has given the all-clear!

Virologist Christian Drosten (52) now only considers Corona to be as dangerous as flu viruses.

The danger of Virus has changed significantly, Drosten told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “Fortunately, we are now in a situation in which the flu comparison is correct – this is because the population is largely vaccinated and most people have been infected several times.” said the virologist.

Drosten emphasized that at the beginning of the pandemic he would not have thought that effective vaccines would be available after a year: “That was great and saved us a lot.”

“These were clear misjudgments”

At the same time, the virologist made it clear once again that from his perspective the situation had changed. “At the beginning of the pandemic there were individual voices who said that Covid was comparable to a normal flu – so what was all the scaremongering about?” said Drosten. “Today we know that these were clear misjudgments.”

Referring to the current debate, the scientist said: “Unfortunately, the same people who made false statements back then are now trying to polish their public image. The pandemic is history and we shouldn’t bend it.”

Review of the Corona measures required

What Drosten alludes to, among other things: KBV boss Andreas Gassen (61) recently called for BILD to “revisit the Corona measures from both a scientific and, above all, a legal and political perspective”.

It is “clear to everyone today that some measures such as school closings have caused more harm than good to children,” said Gassen: “Even the sometimes bizarre-seeming outdoor rules were, according to many experts, meaningless back then and ultimately led to that overall there was increasing skepticism, ultimately even when it came to sensible measures.”

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