Home » today » Health » Virologist Alfredo Corell explains which people would need a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine

Virologist Alfredo Corell explains which people would need a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine

Virologist Alfredo Corell states that the immune system may weaken for causes natural or by treatments. “In the case of natural causes we are talking about people with an aging immune system, what we call immunosensence. This happens from 65 years in some people with more intensity than others, “he says.

Also, he points out that in a natural way it can be diminished by people who have been born with some genetic problem, what they call the immunodeficiencies. In addition, he comments that the immune system can also decrease its effectiveness by treatments, treatments that call immunosuppressants.

“These treatments are administered to different types of diseases, for example in people who are with some cancer or transplanted people, who receive this type of treatment so that the defenses do not reject the transplant “, manifests.

Also, there are autoimmune diseases where the immune system “goes against its own substances and in which to control the disease they receive immunosuppressive treatment.” Either for natural reasons or for immunosuppressive treatments, he explains that in these people the immune system is weakened, so they would be the people in whom it may be necessary to administer a third dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

Finally, it states that these people would need a third dose “either because their response at the time of vaccination was lower or because over the months the defenses have fallen and they need a booster dose. ”

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