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Virgo and Sagittarius see a joy (small)

There is a good news in the horoscope of Monday 29 June: starting from yesterday Mars has changed its sign. Of course, Mars re-enters the fast planets so it usually changes sign once every 45 days or so. The point is that yesterday went from the zodiac sign of Pisces to that of Aries and Mars in Aries is said to be at home, that is, it fits perfectly like strawberries on whipped cream. In addition, in Aries Mars will make its biennial stop or instead of a month and a half in this sign it will remain six months, until almost the end of 2020. So make yourself comfortable and get ready for many energies expressed with boldness and courage but, let’s face it, sometimes even with excessive aggression. On the other hand is the other side of the coin.

The horoscope for June 29

In today’s horoscope the Moon is in the sign of Libra for a truly powerful femininity but also dedicated to organization. I would say that the Moon in Libra to mark the entry of Mars into Aries is a good attempt to balance (precisely) sometimes too aggressive energies. But now let’s focus on the astral forecast of the day because we really need it on Monday, don’t we?

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Mars is back home, in your sign: the fiery red planet will stay in your sign for 6 months. The strength to do, sometimes overdo it, is with you, along with healthy sex appeal and lots of energy. Enjoy it before these energies become even a little too much.
love red Mars, sexy like you nobody! Work: you are ready to plan and get busy even in summer if necessary, the desire and strength are not lacking. You are to hire immediately! Salute: finally you feel reborn, it’s summer but it’s fine !!! The tip of the day : before starting to argue, with all this Mars, focus on the desire to do. Make lists of things you really don’t like before you blow something up.
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Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

The moon in Libra increases your desire to make yourself beautiful, indeed beautiful. You spend the day looking at yourself and looking at yourself in the mirror knowing that you will hit the mark. You are a bit like Chiara Ferragni who can finally do a single too (acts as a shoulder for Baby K) and focuses on the spectacular look of the video by Versace. Toro is everything for you too.
love: ready for a super sensual approach Work: Today even the PC monitor will seem like a mirror and the list of e-mails to reply to is getting longer Salute: you feel really cool, you’ve already thrown the bacon The tip of the day : be careful not to dominate others with this excessive security of yours, it also leaves room for the beauty of others.
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Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

With Mars in a position no longer unfavorable, find a good mood … Or maybe it is thanks to that girl who has been courting you for a while and you like crazy and that perhaps you are now ready to woo, without just throwing the stone and pulling your hand back ? Full speed ahead!
love: make the first move, your charm is contagious. Work: try to recover what you left behind in the past weeks even at work. Mars brought about laziness. Salute: spring loaded and even smiling. No diet needed! The tip of the day : it’s time to keep all the promises you made in recent months to experience a light summer: do we start from morning jogging?
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Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

With Mars making you nervous and the Moon looking you sideways today promises to be a nervous and controversial day: you’re worse than Morelli who silenced the Murgia on live radio. You don’t do it, especially because social media don’t forgive these days and you don’t escape. Keep calm.
love: better to stay away or give yourself a gift to sweeten a little, right away. Work: today you need all the calm in the world … Oooohm! Salute: that thread of nervousness will take away your appetite or make you eat until you burst. Neither is equilibrium. The tip of the day : you had a good time, do not spoil all the benefits and remember your positive intensity. Make a list of the good things of the past two months and keep it on your desk.
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Leone (July 23 – August 23)

You feel like a runner in the starting blocks, you feel that your season is coming and you go to recover all the flirtations left in the last few months, a bit like Sabrina Salerno: very ready for the summer, only a tan is missing. But it is a matter of a moment.
love: your agenda is full of commitments, keep an eye on them. Work: you also feel active at work, good recovery. Salute: your season will see you beautiful and fit. The tip of the day : brake a little, you will have all summer to dedicate yourself to what you like best. Read the newspapers online for at least an hour every day.
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Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Finally Mars doesn’t bother you anymore and even your summer season can start. Calmly, but leave. Try the Euro Truck Simulator now by simulating the crossing of the new Morandi bridge in Genoa. You need adrenaline today.
love: inaccessible because you are too busy: first duty and then pleasure … And duty seems never to end. Work: you came back to the usual clarification: take the business plan in hand making fleas to everyone on their work. Salute: slowly return to form, but a tad aggressive. The tip of the day : have you thought about a few weekends sailing on the lake, to learn?
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Libra (September 23 – October 22)

You feel like you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown ready to explode and you will lose patience as Salvini responds to the whistles saying that “you deserve Minister Azzolina”. The Moon amplifies your emotion while Mars makes you susceptible. Practically you have tears always ready to flow like from the tap.
love: with that long face you become even prettier, but you have to find someone brave who comes close. Work: don’t give up right now, the holiday destination is near. Salute: all this stress is not good for you, try to give yourself rewards for achieving results. The tip of the day : start the day with a hearty breakfast on the balcony and without rushing. Rather wake up half an hour earlier.
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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

With that mysterious air, of those who look endlessly making deep thoughts, you are even sexier and in fact you are thinking about the next conquest. You are a bit like Andrea Delogu who does not stop reaping successes: now he will also lead “live life”.
love: to know if it’s love or a summer flirt just wait for the developments. Give yourself peace. Work: with your big eyes Daisy Duck you conquer everyone even at work. Salute: fit, but you start to feel the desire for freedom and sun. The hour in the gym is torture. The tip of the day : dedicate the first half hour to plan your work well and you will see that you will make up for a lot of time at the end of the day for some fun and realx.
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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You are emotional like Klopp who burst into tears on live TV after winning the Premier League with Liverpool: Mars in favor is a whole other league so now you can start doing the saputello as you like. Today you warm up after a long time of confusion.
love: with Venus still against it, apologizing is really difficult, but try it! Work: finally breathe a sigh of relief and the work starts again. Salute: definitely recovering but there is an intensive recovery path to plan. How about the bikram yoga marathon? The tip of the day : have you already arranged the flowers in the garden? This activity is perfect for home relaxing.
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Capricorn (December 22 – January 21)

To say that you are nervous today is an understatement: combative and surly it is really difficult to be close to you. I hope mommy doesn’t decide to come and visit you without warning. You would leave it outside the door, it’s a certainty! Likeable as Sgarbi who is forcibly carried out of the Chamber room!
love: it even makes you nervous to hear the other’s breath and I said everything. Work: dedicated to autonomous activities that require little patience. Salute: a lump in the stomach, quiet is just an emotion. The tip of the day : try to sweeten yourself with a drink that reminds you of childhood like milk and chocolate or milk and mint. What do you say??
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Aquarius (January 21 – February 19)

This Mars brings you strength and physical vigor … In case you ever needed it! After an intimate and decidedly emotional period, this is what it takes to get your grit back before the summer break: today even the Moon in favor makes you as sweet as the Cremonini maid who declares “we love each other” … After his gaffe!
love: now you have the courage to take the first step. Work: grind work like never before and carry on even for that much desired holiday day. Salute: always better and even better, careful only not to exceed with physical efforts. The tip of the day : how about starting a ten day detox? No alcohol and lots of fruit and vegetable juices.
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Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Mars greets you but Venus remains statuesque in quadrature (which is not so good) so you feel a little insecure from the point of view of sex appeal, like those who arrive on the beach skimmed milk white while all are already dark chocolate colored. You need tenderness and reassurance from every point of view.
love: It is true that you need to be reassured, but in case you ask for it! Work: even with less security but you always know what to answer, especially to the boss. Salute: a little down in tone, but you can always count on your rich inner world. The tip of the day : have you read the latest book by Diego de Silva? The Melancholy lawyer would win you over.
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