There is no doubt that in the Benítez Troconis household are experiencing an unforgettable year. Although his son Manuel has flown from the nest and is now in Madrid studying, a fact that makes both Manuel and Virginia somewhat melancholic, there are many joys that the bullfighter and his wife are experiencing, especially as a result of the latter’s rapprochement with his father, whom he finally met in person to unite a bond that he wanted so much to strengthen.
A few months after leaving the ring permanently, Manuel is focused on his other businesses, while Virginia, as beautiful and natural as ever, works on projects in which she feels identified, as being a brand ambassador.
“My husband is great”
“For me, the most important thing is to take care of the physical, face and mind. But I’m not worried about getting old at all, you have to do it with dignity, take care of yourself and love yourself as each one is,” Virginia told us, who recognized that her children are the ones who care the most for her. They make you appreciate the passing of time. She continues to focus on them, because, for Virginia, being a mother is one of the most important things there is: “The reason for my life is to wake up every day and fight for them to be better peopleso that they enjoy things that perhaps we haven’t had and so that they are respectful”, he explains.
Manuel Díaz and Virginia Troconis posing with Alba Díaz, daughter of the right-hander, and their two children together, Manuel and Triana (@virtroconis)
PRONTO: How has this reconciliation with Cordobés, Manuel’s father, been lived at home?
VIRGINIA TROCONIS: It is that the grandfather has always been present. It is simply that now we enjoy it in a different way. Kids love it. It has been a very beautiful year because we are living through very emotional moments.
Q.: How do you see Manuel with his final retirement?
V.T.: I see him super excited. The other day he showed me a photo from a festival and I told him that he looked like a bullfighter. He turns 55 and he’s great. He loves what he does, he respects him a lot, and you see him with his routine in the world of bullfighting and he is happy. I think he’s going to miss him a lot because he’s been doing the same thing all his life. But I see him very happy.
Q.: When is your final goodbye?
V.T.: The bullfighting season ends in October. And somehow he will always be linked to the world of bullfighting. But he wants to do new things.
Virginia Troconis and Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’ are still just as in love as the first day.
Virginia talks about the illusions of El Cordobés
Q.: What illusions does Manuel have for the future? What new projects?
V.T.: One is me, ha ha ha. Us. Children. Work, because Manuel has a light trader, an electricity company, and he likes to go and have his office hours.
Q.: Vicky has offered to make Tamara Falcó’s wedding dress. Do you think her style can fit her?
V.T.: Why not? Designers have to let themselves be carried away by the personality and taste of the client.
Q.: How would you have reacted if something similar had happened to you two months after your wedding?
V.T.: It’s not a drama either. She’s going to be beautiful and happy, which is the important thing. I don’t give much importance to the dress either.
2023-06-03 07:30:00
#Virginia #Troconis #Cordobés #husband #great