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Virginia Gallardo was shown on the networks and generated an unexpected controversy

Just two months after becoming a first-time mom, Virginia Gallardo (32) surprised his more than 2.2 million followers in Instagram with a super sexy choreography.

In detail, the actress uploaded a video of TikTok in which she is seen dancing a catchy reggaeton song while wearing her spectacular postpartum figure. “Cold? Where? We raise the temperature around here“he commented next to those images.

And as expected, the post quickly went viral on the networks. However, not all comments were cool. It is that, many users of that social network focused on a little oversight Virchu, as she calls herself among her peers.

Virginia Gallardo.

Madam, you can see a nipple“Commented a young man. And, unusual as it may seem, it triggered a fierce crossing among Gallardo’s followers. “Yes. She has nipples, don’t you?” Said one user.

Let him know that you can see his arms too … It is normal to have a nipple, it is normal to have arms … The whole body is normal, “commented another person, visibly indignant.

Look also

Virginia Gallardo was a mom and introduced her daughter Martina

What is the problem if you see a nipple? People, it’s part of your body! “Said another Internet user.

Only I saw her nipple or what?“asked a woman hours later.”I saw the same“replied a follower from Virginia.”What is the problem if you see a nipple? People are a nipple, part of their body. Why so much aggression? That age, that the nipple … Since when have so many bullshit together? Live and let live! “An angry fan of the actress interrupted.

Some of the comments in Virginia Gallardo's post.

Some of the comments in Virginia Gallardo’s post.

“Idol. Don’t listen to the bad comments!“another young woman told Gallardo.”Oh, they are scared because the nipple is visible … will it be the first time they see one? Guys if you don’t like it don’t follow her … “, and” What the fucking people who say negative things. They have nothing else to do crazy. You do not like? Do not look!“were other comments on the same line.

After several hours, filming reached 474,000 views, exceeded 800 comments and added more than 42,000 likes. The brand new mom of Martina, who came to this world on May 20, has not yet ruled on it.

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