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Virginia Cornejo is singled out by Inés Liendo, who refuses to forgive anyone.

SALTA – The leader of the PRO Ines Liendo She is still very upset by what is happening in her party. Due to her fierce insiders, she decided to step aside and not participate in the upcoming elections in May. Despite having clarified that she would continue working for the benefit of the space that she militates, she is very critical of the representatives of Together for Change and one of her targets was the candidate for lieutenant governor, Virginia Cornejo.

“He said publicly that he was against the incorporation of Posadas and now he is in the formula. You have to keep the things you think about. When we saw what happened with Zapata we were very critical, now with what face are they going to ask for the vote doing the same, ”she expressed the PRO leader in Saltain dialogue with FM Pacífico.

He also made it clear that Matías Posadas as a member of Together for Change does not add to it, quite the opposite. “Matías Posadas has been radical and has been expelled from radicalism. They know very well which person we are talking about. Today it is a stumbling block for Together for Change to be stained by the ruling party. Macri gave a message of greatness by applying the theme of alternation, adding competitive teams. Leaving aside the ego and personalism and here in Salta ended up winning that,” he said. Ines Liendo.

And as if these statements were not enough, the PRO leader launched a worrying revelation: “There was a betrayal or bad faith in the constitution of the front and all those leaders who spoke out against the incorporation of Posadas have been displaced. There are places where people from the PRO have been displaced to place relatives and that speaks of the bad politics that we no longer want. It is a tease for society, “said Liendo.

The farewell of Inés Liendo

The fierce internship in Juntos por el Cambio devastated the local leaders. It is that from the outset, the referent of the local space raised a cry to heaven when it was confirmed that the chameleonic Matías Posadas would integrate the political party. Despite the demands that came close to tightening, Inés Liendo decided to get out of the electoral contest. In a statement from her social networks, she pointed directly at Patricia Bullrich.

In the first lines of the statement it can be read that the PRO referent in Salta accused the president of that party at the national level of going against the will of more than 500 affiliates and local leaders from Salta who rejected the incorporation of Matías Posadas to Together for Change.

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