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Viral Video Traffic to PIK 2 is jammed with tourists, police: closed


Circulating a video showing traffic jams to the location Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) tour 2, North Jakarta. The police said that this time the area PIK tours are closed.

“For PIK, Pasir Putih Beach and Pantai Maju have been closed,” said Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo in a statement to reporters on Saturday (15/5/2021).

Sambodo said his party had made traffic arrangements at the site. Personnel are added because of what they are vehicle density heading to this PIK 2.

“Members are making arrangements and decomposition. We have added members,” added Sambodo.

Contacted separately, North Jakarta Police Traffic Head, Kompol Gusti, said the traffic density at the location was still normal.

“The density is normal and continues to run,” said Kompol Gusti.

In the video that is circulating, it is seen traffic congestion happened at the PIK bridge. The majority of vehicles in the form of cars piled up on the bridge.

Watch Video: Anies Asks Tourist Attractions in the Red Zone to Close May 12-16

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(mea / hri)

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